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Caribbean News Mid-May, some 2,000 letters were addressed to PLAIN TRUTH
"Prime" subscribers (those on the mailing list at least 18 months) on the
Island of Jamaica. They were invited to attend a PLAIN TRUTH lecture series
in Kingston, the capital city. Regional Director Stan Bass conducted these
lectures on the 5th and 6th of June.
Results were encouraging despite heavy rainfal1 the second night.
first night there were 84 new people present. With the rainfall, only 22
new people attended the second night, yet 12 of those had not been present
the previous evening; consequently the two Bible lectures reached a total
of 96 new people.
January 1, 1983, "The WORLD TOMORROW" telecast began airing over Jamaica's
one and only television station, JBC-TV. Response has been phenomenal1
When the 1982 year-to-date total of 434 radio responses is compared with
the 1983 year-to-date total of 5,142 radio/TV responses, the impact Mr.
Armstrong and "The WORLD TOMORROW" telecast are making in Jamaica becomes
From June 24th through the 28th, Mr. Bass paid a visit to Nassau, Bahamas.
Mr. Bass spoke to the Bahamian brethren on the Sabbath of June 25th. Before
returning to San Juan, Mr. Bass was able to review office and festival
matters with the pastor in the Bahamas, Mr. Kingsley
In what may be the traditional "lazy; hazy days of summer" trend, income has
fallen off, compared to June 1982, by 7%. This, of course, is always dis­
turbing, but God's people will be praying for a return of the increase ex­
perienced during the first quarter of 1983. Income during that period;
calculated in U.S. dollars, was up a whopping 60%1
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to express our deepest gratitude for the
privilege of attending the second Ministerial Refreshing Program.
It was truly refreshing to see all of the ministerial staff you
used for the program to teach us the real, true and solid "Word of
There was no shade of liberalism whatsoever in their
teachings. Each one of them really backed you up. They were
united in purpose and spoke the same thing.· This reminds me of
the favorite scripture of your late wife, Loma, in Psalm 133:1.
We also noticed the dedication, hard work and zealousness in
wanting to obey God among the students and members. We were in­
spired by their example.
Going to Ambassador College and staying there for two weeks was
like going to the "Feast of Booths." The atmosphere is differ­
ent. The people are different. The surroundings and landscape
of the college are different--they are clean and beautiful. This
was a total contrast to the atmosphere, the people and the un­
pleasant environment of this world.
The most important thing of all is the knowledge we learned,
especially from you, sir--the messages you gave to us during the
first day of our classes and during one of the Sabbaths of our