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Associate of Arts degree (which includes 26 hours in theology) as well as an
Associate of Science degree with three options:
1) General Business op­
tion, 2) Data Processing option, and 3) Home Economics option. These three
options all include a core of required courses, including about 14 hours of
theology. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree requires
two years of course work.
Mr. Armstrong was also able to include in his busy schedule a meeting with
Mr. Ray Wright, several members of his staff and myself in order to go over
pictures and copy for the new 1982/1983 ENVOY.
This beautiful edition
should be ready for distribution at the U.S. and Canadian feast sites dur­
ing the Festival of Tabernacles.
Since Mr. Armstrong planned to be in Britain at graduation time, he asked
Dr. Herman L. Hoeh to give the commencement addresses at Big Sandy and Pasa­
dena. The topic of his address: "The Social Problems Underlying the Crisis
in Education."
Over 40 graduating seniors are being hired in the Work. A number of others
will undoubtedly be hired later. Also, we have a list of eight seniors who
could be used as ministerial trainees--if funds permitted. But at present
(partly due to our increased PLAIN TRUTH distribution program) finances do
not permit any of these young men being employed to serve in the ministry
upon graduation. I feel certain that some of them will later be hired to
help reap the abundant harvest in God's field.
By the time you ministers receive this report, most, if not all of the
prospective students in your areas who applied to enter Ambassador College,
should have already received notification as to whether or not they have
been accepted for the coming year. Please do everything possible to en­
courage any of those applicants who were not accepted. Remind them that we
could accept only about one out of six who applied to enter Ambassador at
Pasadena this year. And most of those who applied, but were not accepted,
could do college-level work.
We of the faculty and administration of Ambassador College are happy to
have been chosen of God to serve in this vital area of helping to train the
youth of God's Church for even greater service in His Work. We ask your
prayers for God's continued guidance and blessings on His College!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
"I Was in Prison and You Came Unto Me"
Among the millions of people who come in contact with The PLAIN TRUTH and
the Work's other literature are tens of thousands of prison inmates. At
present over 50,000 subscribe to The PLAIN TRUTH in the United States. In
addition, the magazine is sent to nearly 600 prison libraries.
Since prisoners have many hours of time on their hands, their
are often lengthy and somewhat autobiographical in nature.
usually request, and are sent, many different booklets. Some
read all or nearly all of our publications.
letters to us
Also, they
say they have