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Those who write tell us that their plight is made easier to bear, and they
are encouraged and gain peace of mind from our literature. A number tell us
how their lives are being turned in the right direction with the Work's
help. Some few have even become baptized members while still in prison.
Following are some comments from recent letters:
I would like to thank all of you very, very much for sharing with
me the good news of God! Because over the last 25 years, what you
people have done to help me to come to repentance the judges, the
reformatory, the county jail houses, and the state prison, as
well as the mental health department could not do.
You have made me a better person to God, to myself and to people
that I must live among. I have no desire to break the law, my
understanding has grown in the right direction and God has pre­
served me! I will continue my study.
(Soledad, CA)
I respectfully request your help and information that might help
me find my way through life. I tell myself that I have faith and
that I believe in God, but deep within myself I know this is not
so. I have just turned 19 years old. I wish to learn the truth
now, not when I have already wasted my life following the wrong
trails, such as I'm following now. Your help will more than be
{Chino' CA)
A TV channel carrying your broadcast has recently been made
available to me.
I wish to compliment and commend you on the
authenticity and sincerity of your ministry. You have been pre­
senting God's truth for longer than I have been alive.
I would like to avail myself of your kind offer of your publica­
tion, The PLAIN TRUTH.
Being a serious student of the Bible
while incarcerated in prison is not easy, but persons such as
yourself go a long way to make my plight more tolerable. Thank
you and God bless you.
(Menard, IL)
I was brought up in God's church, but later Satan turned me
against God and His Word. I am in the Texas Corrections Depart­
ment doing a two-year sentence. I have seen what Satan and the
world are all about. I am now seeking for Christ and His Work.
When I was younger, I remember picking up books and articles from
the Worldwide Church of God. I really enjoyed reading and learn­
ing from them. Please send me The PLAIN TRUTH and also your BIBLE
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. After all these years I have wasted away,
I suddenly feel that Christ is calling me to help be a part of His
Work. I also feel that this letter is the start to a new life for
me serving God and His brethren . Thank you so much for your time
and your concern.
(Tennessee Colony, TX)
I'm a prisoner here at a federal prison and have been so for four
years. Thank God I have just under a year to go. I have been an