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Dear Mr. Tkach and Ministerial Services Staff:
My wife and I certainly appreciated our "refresher" while we were
there for session 115! The Refreshing Program is certainly well
organized and the open attitude of service, giving and helping
exhibited by the staff and teachers is truly a sight to behold.
Pasadena is certainly on the track and it is very refreshing to
be on campus for two weeks to experience a foretaste of what the
whole world will someday be like. Thank you for the classes and
Hugh and Linda Wilson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I want to express our deep gratitude for being able to
attend the fifteenth session of the Refreshing Program and visit­
ing Headquarters for the first time.
We are very thankful and encouraged by the team effort, quality
of teaching, and strength of leadership, coupled with warmth and
friendship. Also we appreciate the delicious meals, fine enter­
tainment and many other additional acts of generosity, together
with the privilege and joy of being among the students.
The program gave us a sense of urgency in working together as a
team to continue to shepherd the flock as God requires. We were
very impressed with the love and respect for the brethren that
you all expressed to us. We hope we can now measure up to this
example to better serve the brethren.
(Pasadena Campus)
Bill and Lindy White
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
We are now in the final week of activities in this college year. This year
has certainly been one of the best years (if not the best!) in the entire
history of Ambassador College.
God has blessed us with a very fine group of students. We had about 640
students at the beginning of the year, and about 630 at year's end. I feel
I am very privileged to be able to work with a very fine, competent and
loyal faculty who are deeply dedicated to carrying out Mr. Armstrong's
policies in the College.
It is truly a blessing to be able to work on this most beautiful campus on
earth, with the peace and harmony, love and happiness which is everywhere.
I am sure that all of you ministers and your wives deeply sense this when
you are here on the Ministerial Refreshing Program. And by so saying, I
mean to include the fact that there is evident harmony between the various
departments at Pasadena, as well as within the College itself.
Before leaving on his recent trip to Britain, Mr. Armstrong, in spite of his
busy schedule, had three different meetings with some of us in the College
in order to decide upon various matters. Both campuses will now offer an