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The telecasts and broadcasts are recognized as unique--totally different
from those of other churches, as well as being down to earth and easy to
grasp. A number of people mentioned that they prefer The WORLD TOMORROW
telecast to all other religious programs because it is based directly on
the Bible. Some say they wish it could be on for a full hour.
Since the article "Despite This Recession You Can Solve Your Financial
Worries" appeared in the March PT, we have seen an increase in letters from
those who want to begin paying tithes to God's Work. Many others have sent
"tokens of appreciation" in thanks for the instruction they have received.
Often the very fact that no money is requested inspires people to send a
The Gospel, through The PLAIN TRUTH, various other literature and The WORLD
TOMORROW telecast and radio broadcast, is reaching people of all ag�s and
walks of life. Many are looking to God's Work for answers to life's big
questions and are grateful for the enlightenment and hope our message
Unusual and Humorous Requests
The Work continually receives unusual and humorous requests from sincere
and well-meaning people on the subscription list.
This week we are
featuring some amusing letters as well as a list of literature requests
that have been sent to us over the past several months. These are meant for
your enjoyment and are in no way intended to make light of our subscribers.
Greetings for 1983. I am a Guyanese-mix race, living and working
in Guyana in the Magartuni River, diving for gold with people who
own a dredge in Guyana. But as you can see, I need help. I don't
know if you will oblige by giving a helping hand, so I am kindly
asking you. The reason why is I work some places where I see lots
of gold which nobody knows about, in the Magartuni River.
would be mqre than glad if you can help me. Here is a list of
things needed most:
Complete engine with starter and alternator
Berkley pump
Gold diver jet suction
Dunlop flex 15 feet
Webster compressor
If you can help with this, I will surely be more than glad and
soon as I start to work, I will make you right.
The gold in
Guyana is earning a high price, perfect gold. Waiting patiently.
Could you please send us another copy of the January 1983 GOOD
NEWS. Our dog was "so hungry for the truth" that he chewed up the
complete magazine. We will be more careful in the future.
(Anaheim, CA)
Please send me the booklet Mr. Armstrong offered last week.
can't remember what the title was, but Mr. Armstrong said I
needed it!
(Oklahoma City, OK)