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Again, I would like to encourage all of you ministers to really get to know
the young people in your congregation(s) so that when you prepare
ministerial evaluations you will be _able to properly evaluate the
applicants. Also, please remember that you can save the College a great
deal of expense if you will let us know which students really should not be
in Ambassador. As an example, one A.C. student recently let it be known
that she only planned to attend for one year. If we had known that she
merely wanted to "dabble" in education, merely wanted to "lay a
foundation," then we would not have accepted her. We would have given her
place to another, more deserving individual who intended to "complete the
Peking National Acrobats Perform at A.C.
On Tuesday, April 20th, Ambassador College students and faculty (joined by
the students and faculty of Imperial School and guests) were treated at
Forum to a special performance of the Peking National Acrobats--direct from
the People's Republic of China.
The acrobats arrived here on campus Saturday, April 16th.
Mr. Ellis
LaRavia (representing the Ambassador Foundation) and Mr. Greg Albrecht, my
wife and myself (representing Ambassador College) had a welcoming reception
in their honor on Sunday, April 17th in the Faculty Lounge at the Student
The Peking National Acrobats gave their only performances in the United
States at the Ambassador College Gymnasium on Tuesday, April 19th, and at
the Ambassador Auditorium on Thursday evening, April 21st.
I have seen numerous acrobatic performances in the U.S. and Britain, but I
have never seen such a spectacular, and at times breathtaking perfor�ance
by any acrobats as I recently witnessed. In one of their acts, thirteen
acrobats somehow managed to ride one, ordinary-sized bicycle. It was an
incredible feat to behold l
They have received rave reviews of their
performances in Europe and Africa.
Thanks once again to all of you ministers for your support, assistance
(ministerial evaluations), and for your prayers. Please pray that God will
continue to bless, guide and inspire all of us to do our utmost to train the
wonderful young people of Ambassador College to be used in God's Work here
and now: but more importantly, to be shining leaders (as sons and daughters
of God) in the soon-coming World Tomorrow!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Trends of Interest in Mail and Phone Comments
Every week we receive several hundred mail and phone comments. The follow­
ing interesting trends have been apparent.
Readers and listeners are sparkling with enthusiasm and gratitude for hav­
ing their eyes opened to the truth. They especially note how much under­
standing they have gained as a result of Mr. Armstrong's preaching and how
their lives are being changed. Many are hungering and thirsting for more
knowledge and are excited about the Work's literature.