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Jordan. They are praying for the Webers and frequently ask for
more information about progress there.
CHARLOTTE, NC--GEORGE PINCKNEY: Everyone is very excited about
Mr. Waterhouse coming to visit Charlotte. We're thankful for
his tireless efforts to keep the Church looking in faith to
Christ and His apostle.
(Pasadena Campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Mr. Les McCullough, Deputy Chancellor of Big Sandy, and his wife arrived on
campus here last Sunday evening (the 17th). They planned to stay this week
in Pasadena, during which time Mr. McCullough has taught a number of
classes, gave the Assembly Thursday, and has had numerous meetings with
various College administrators at Pasadena.
Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Meredith recently spent a week on the Big Sandy
campus. Mr. McCullough had dinner with the Merediths before he flew to
Pasadena. Dr. Meredith taught a number of classes and spoke at the Forum
and/or Assembly while in Texas. (I also heard it rumored that he was seen
on Lake Loma fishing.••.)
Also, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Torrance and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Salyer arrived on
campus here earlier this week. Dr. Torrance and Mr. Salyer are here for the
purpose of helping in the selection of next year's Big Sandy students from
the "application pool" here at Pasadena. Big Sandy has already selected 33
for next year from their pool of applicants. They will be selecting another
17 this week. Pasadena has already accepted 50 for the 1983-84 college
After both colleges have completed the process of selecting SO for each
campus, we will rank the remaining applicants from the top down. Then we
will alternately choose from the applicants--Big Sandy choosing one, then
Pasadena making a choice. We will continue this process until Pasadena and
Big Sandy have filled their entire quotas of applicants for the 1983-84
college year.
We have about 800 completed application forms if we combine those of Big
Sandy with Pasadena's. And it now looks as though we will accept about 260
to 300--combined total for both campuses. As you can see, this will leave
about 500 applicants whom we cannot accept for the coming year. I might
again point out that most of those 500 would be "acceptable" so far as being
able to enter a college somewhere in America.
Encouraging Applicants to A.C.
Most of the prospective students who have applied to enter A.C. for the
coming year should be notified one way or the other by mid May. I hope all
of you ministers will do all you can to encourage those who were not
accepted at Ambassador for this year. Many of them can try again next year.
If a prospective student really applies himself in the meantime, then he
will often stand a better chance of being accepted by Ambassador--after he
or she has proven himself/herself in a local Church area for another year or