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Comments From Monthly Church Reports
CINCINNATI (EAST), OH--AL DENNIS: We had a very nice spring holy
day season. Attendance was higher than it has ever been and the
people have just given the highest offering per person that has
ever been given in the area. Enthusiasm is running high. We were
all thankful to see the door of TV open in the Middle East and to
hear about the major supermarkets that will now be handling the
KINGSPORT, TN--GEORGE ELKINS: Wonderful Passover and Night to be
Much Observed. Record offering taken up on the first Holy Day!
Also record amount per person in the almost 4 years that I have
been in this Church area. God truly has turned the Church around
and put it on the track through His Apostle.
We pray for Mr.
Armstrong daily, and that God will keep the doors to the Gospel
LAFAYETTE, IN--CHUCK CALAHAN: It is tremendously encouraging to
be a part of God's Work at this time! The PT and GN articles are
better than ever. The telecast is hard-hitting and plain. The
potential expansion of the PT Newsstand Program into major mar­
kets is an exciting new vehicle for fulfilling our Commission.
We have had a drastic rise in Sabbath/holy day-related employer
problems--employers are demanding as never before that Church
members work on the Sabbath and holy days. All the members have
obeyed God and so far no one has lost his job.
MIDLAND, MI--GERALD WESTON: Average attendance for March was the
best it has been in almost two years. Number of new contacts is
up. PMs look promising. The addition of WTBS-TV which reaches
this area on cable seems to be having a big impact. PT Newsstand
Program is going very well. Some who have been out of work are
being called back. Overall, outside of pre-Passover trials which
have been severe this year on some, the picture here is brighter
than it has been in several years.
FAYETTEVILLE, NC--LARRY W. GREIDER: The Church is solidly behind
Mr. Armstrong and the members are eager for news of his efforts.
The telecast is having a very good effect on the members here and
no doubt is stirring up interest in homes all across the United
States and the world. The brethren seem willing to participate
in anything related to the Church, and a higher level of commit­
ment is noticeable.
MERIDIAN, MS--PAUL KURTS: There is a definite spirit of COOPERA­
TION that pervades the Church here at this time. Everyone has a
willingness to help and serve that is really refreshing. Atti­
tudes are positive and everyone is genuinely happy. Sounds like
a pollyanna story doesn't it! All are really excited every time
Mr. Armstrong goes on a trip, not knowing what piece of informa­
tion that relates to the end time he will be inspired to see.
It's always exciting and new.
The brethren here are very
enthusiastic and supportive of Mr. Armstrong's special project in