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Unusual Literature Requests
True Gossip
Easter Was Not on Sunday
The Revolution Was Not on Sunday
The Reservation Was Not on Sunday
Why Were You Here?
Is This the Only Day of Hell Fire?
The Hole Bible
Glory for the Birds
Theory for the Dogs
Our Osmosis Universe
Where is the Free Church?
Drugs and Coffee
How You Can Be Imbued With the
Power of Goldie
Free Destination
All About Walter's Baptism
The Four Horses of the Acropolis
All Four books about the Apostrophe
The Wild Horse--False Religion
The White Hose
Internal Life
The Unpaid Sin
The Expandable Sin
The Unpardonable Din
I'd like the book, "Toll-free"
Seven Rules to a Wife's Decision
In the Belly of the Beast
Revelation Reversed at Last
Eating Your Financial Worries
The Third Dimension in Sex
The Unfinished Dimension in Sex
The Amazing Dimension in Sex
The Missing Determination in Sex
Do We Have Mortal Soles?
The Silent Epidermis
The Plain Birth
The Plain Tithe
The Naked Truth
The Planet Truth
The Roarin' Truth
The United States and Great Britain
in Paradise
U.S. and Great Britain in Rhapsody
United States and the British
Commonwealth in Profits
The Book of Great Britches
and the United States
The United States and Hawaii
in Prophecy
Reward of the Unsaved
What Is the Reward of the Decay?
What Is Conversation?
Who Is the Monster?
Who Is the Beet?
Who Is the Animal?
Please send your booklet,
"Upon Request"
What Will You Be Doing With
Your Next Wife?
In Valid at Last!
Everything Unveiled at Last!
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
WEATHER; LATIN AMERICAN-U.S. CONFLICT The upset weather conditions re­
ferred to in the April PLAIN TRUTH cover story continue to ravage many na­
tions around the world. Yesterday (April 20), in the United States, tem­
peratures in the Deep South were colder than in parts of Alaska. A summa­
tion of U.S. conditions was compiled from wire services and given in the
April 21, 1983 LOS ANGELES TIMES.