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Handel's Messiah one year from now. We are planning to have the Big Sandy
college Chorale come to Pasadena during the 1984 spring break to join the
Pasadena college chorale for two performances during the Days of Unleavened
Bread. The performances are scheduled for Saturday evening (Sabbath during
Unleavened Bread) and the next day.
Mr. Armstrong said that he felt we should add a few voices from the local
Pasadena Church choir in order to give the combined chorale a little more
maturity. This should give us over 100 voices for the 1984 Spring Concert.
These two performances of the Messiah during the spring break of 1984 will
make it possible for us to invite about 2,500 members and guests. We feel
certain that we will fill the Auditorium for those two performances.
Mr. John Schroeder (Director of the Chorale at Pasadena) and Mr. Roger
Bryant (Director of the Chorale at Big Sandy) will be working closely to­
gether in order to prepare the two chorales for these important presenta­
We will be giving more details about these special performances
some weeks before the scheduled dates so as many as possible can attend.
On Wednesday, March 9th, Mr. Armstrong spoke to all of the ministers and
wives attending the fifteenth session of the Ministerial Refreshing Pro­
gram. As usual, his address was both informative and inspiring. He spoke
on the nature of God, angels, God's plan to reproduce Himself through
humans and the plan of salvation--including why God is not now attempting
to save the whole world. He said God first has to train many "teachers" who
will, in turn, go out as spirit-composed teachers to help· teach the mortaf
people on this earth during the soon-coming World Tomorrow (Rev. 5:10).
As Mr. Armstrong said in his message, we are so very fortunate to have been
singled out by God the Father to be called into His Church and Work at this
exciting, pulsating time in the history of mankind!
I hope all of us find
it exciting to know that the end of this chaotic civilization is near, and
that the glorious, peaceful and happy wonderful world Tomorrow is just
around the corner!
In closing, Mr. Armstrong mentioned he is leaving shortly for Britain and
the Mideast, but hopes to be back in the United States before the Passover.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
"The World Tomorrow" on Radio Greatly Appreciated
Although television has become the biggest means of acquainting people with
God's Work, radio is still a very important way of reaching people and pro­
viding daily spiritual food.
Although it is difficult to determine the
full impact of radio, at least 23,600 new people wrote or called in last
year in response to the broadcast.
In addition to listeners such as truck drivers and people who work at night,
the radio seems to be an especially important medium for elderly people and
shut-ins. Some have indicated that the program is one of the bright spots
in their day-to-day lives. In many cities the broadcast is on at a very
early or late time. Yet, a number of listeners have said they make a spe­
cial effort to tune in every day even if it means adjusting their sleeping
habits. Following are some of their comments.