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I want to thank you for your radio broadcast. I heard you for the
first time only a few weeks ago, when quite by accident I tuned my
radio in to WSM. I wish I had known about the program before
because I think you are the most interesting educator of the
Bible that I have ever heard.
Your program comes on very early in the morning here. I used to
be still sleeping then, but since hearing your broadcast, I now
set my alarm to wake me at four a.m. so I won't miss it. I have
also subscribed to The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and have received my
introductory copy. It was so interesting that I can hardly wait
for the next issue.
Mrs. H.H. (Clarksville, TN)
I am a regular listener to your program which is aired on radio
station WMGY here in Montgomery. My day just doesn't seem to go
right if I don't get to listen to your program at the start of it.
I also have talked about your program to friends who have just
started to listen, and others who already listen and receive your
M.R. (Montgomery, AL)
Every night at twelve o'clock on WOR, I look forward to hearing
that lovely voice of yours, preaching the true Gospel of Christ.
It is only you, I can truthfully say, who preaches the Gospel the
way it's written in the Bible. I thank God because you have
opened my eyes to the truth. I hope and pray that He will prolong
your life to continue the good work you are doing. I know it must
cost a lot for the booklet you sent telling of God's Work, so here
is a small contribution.
N.O. (Brooklyn, NY)
I 1isten to you dai1y at 4:30 a • m • on WREC •
I have had this
pleasure and privilege for about two years now and certainly was
glad when they moved you from late at night to the early hour when
I could hear. (I have heard callers on a local talk show station
tell of hearing you daily, so I know I'm not the only one.)
hope you keep this time so I can start each day with your help.
Mrs. M.B. (Memphis, TN)
I listen to you on KRAK radio in Sacramento. Monday to Friday,
from 9:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m., KRAK features religious programs.
I've been listening to this station off and on for quite some
time and always turned it off when religion came on, as the "ho­
hum, rah-rah, yea, yea" speakers just don't impress me at all.
But one night I left the radio on and heard your program. You are
anything but a "ho-hum, rah-rah" speaker. It takes a lot to im­
press me, but I'm impressed. You've helped me to figure out some
things and for this I am grateful to you and God.
V.P. (Livermore, CA)
I've only been listening to your program for a short time on our
local station, WHAM, here in Rochester, New York. Oddly enough,
I spent a good part of last year reading my Bible. Your program
has helped me tremendously in sorting out some of the things that
were confusing me and has opened up a whole new understanding of
what I've been reading.