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I was also privileged to speak to the Big Sandy congregation last Sabbath,
and look forward to speaking to God's Church in Tyler this coming Sabbath.
The Church in Tyler has remained strong and stable throughout all of the
trials and tribulations which Satan brought on the worldwide Church of God
(including the Churches in the Big Sandy area) during the last decade.
It is always heartening to see the growth and stability of God's Churches
and it is also encouraging to see how closely united are the faculty and
students of Ambassador College's Pasadena and Big Sandy campuses. It's
good to see that in all of the opening prayers in the Bible classes here, as
at the sister college at Pasadena, the students never fail to pray for Mr.
My wife and I have very much appreciated the warm "southern" hospitality
which has been shown to us by the faculty, students and brethren. Since
arriving here on campus, there has hardly been a single evening that my wife
and I did not have some kind of a get-together with various members of the
Big Sandy faculty. And Eve and I are looking forward to having all of the .
faculty over for a get-together this coming Sunday evening. This will give
us a better chance to get to really know all of the Big Sandy faculty even
It will also give all of them (especially those with whom we
haven't had an opportunity to visit personally) a chance to get to know my
wife and me a little better.
The campus here is still looking very beautiful. During the years of "moth
balling" (from 1977 to the fall of 1981) the buildings and grounds could not
be kept up to the same standard as when the budget and manĀ·
power (much of it
student manpower) made it possible to keep the campus in its former
immaculate condition.
Many of the roads on campus have recently been
repaved and a number of the buildings have been repainted and refurbished.
Mr. McCullough mentioned to me recently that the College here has fairly
recently dug up and replanted about 100 good-sized trees.
Since the
College has its own tree moving equipment, it has been possible to move
these trees and replant them at minimal cost. To have them moved by an
outside crew would cost well over $100,000!
Over the past weekend we had about two inches of rain, but today we are
weather. As I type
report, I can look out the
window and see across beautiful Lake Loma that surrounds this guest home on
three sides. It is a breathtakingly beautiful and inspiring view.
While here, I have been able to have several meetings with Mr. Les
McCullough (Deputy Chancellor) , Mr. Larry Salyer (Dean of Students) , Dr.
Lynn Torrance, Mr. Jim Kissee and others in order to discuss various
matters which pertain to the interchange of students and faculty between
the two campuses.
Also while here, my wife and I have had a chance to visit with my brother,
Burk and his wife, Billie Sue. He is now serving as Pastor of the Big Sandy
and Tyler churches. He, Mr. Les McCullough and the other ministers here are
all working together very beautifully. It is good to see the same kind of
harmony that prevails at Headquarters in Pasadena. (See Ephesians 4:13-15
and Psalm 133:1-3.)
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor, Pasadena Campus