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to see what God is doing through His apostle and His servants at
Headquarters and around the whole world.
Our prayer is that the next Refreshing Program be held at a place
of safety for all. Our prayers, as with all of the brethren, are
with you and your staff daily. Praise, honor and glory be to our
Father through all those He has called as a result of your
labors. Thank you.
Thanks for Special Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Ken and Burdetta Wooldridge
Dianne and I would like to tell you how much we appreciated the
opportunity of attending our second Ministerial Refreshing
Program series held on Sundays for local elders in Southern Cali­
fornia. Receiving the information from the program is so very
important. With my demanding job situation, it is impossible to
plan on taking off for the regular sessions, so I really appre­
ciated the opportunity to get the information in this Sunday
The fact that the majority of the sessions were live, rather than
on tape, was a very welcome improvement. Please thank all of the
presenters for giving their time to us. Also, please thank Mr.
Dan Tucker for always having a delicious lunch ready for us, and
dinner too for those who were able to stay after the day's ses­
sions were over. Each year we are able to draw closer to the
other local elders from the Southern California area which cer­
tainly is another big advantage of the program.
It would be difficult to tell you which session was the most
helpful, as all of them were very meaningful and can be put to
immediate use. It was, however, extremely inspiring to end with
the presentation by Mr. Larry Omasta of Media Services as he
talked of Mr. Herbert Armstrong's most recent travels and showed
clips of his strong messages which were given in the Philippines,
Japan and Greece. It was fabulous to hear personally of the ex­
citing behind-the-scene miracles God works out so that Mr.
Armstrong (and crew} can get the witness to those in high places
of authority.
Roland and Dianne Clark
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Greetings once again--this time from Big Sandy, Texas!
My wife and I
arrived here on the eve of the Sabbath nearly one week ago, and we plan to
remain here through next Tuesday (the 8th).
We both are enjoying and profiting from our visit to the Big Sandy campus,
and we hope the campus is profiting from our visit also. While here, I have
been able to take a number of Bible and speech classes, and I spoke at the
college assembly Thursday morning. I have been asked to speak once again to
the students and faculty at the forum next Tuesday--just before returning
to the Pasadena campus.