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the year with an increase of 13.7% over last year. This means we are lag­
ging a little behind the inflation rate and new growth will be prevented
next year unless the income picks up. Numerous opportunities for promoting
God's Message are available, and the possibility of private television
opening its door to us this coming October is an exciting prospect.
During 1982 we received 78,491 letters,
Zealand and 24% from the Pacific Islands.
the 1981 total.
76% of these coming from New
This was a slight reduction on
Mr. Armstrong's December, 1981 semiannual letter brought in
responses or 21.9% of the mailing list. The July, 1982 semiannual brought
in 8,000 replies or 20.9% of those to whom it was sent. Responses to the
November, 1982 semiannual are still pouring in, with over 6,500 already
having been received.
PLAIN TRUTH renewals
approximately 70% of
have reached
an excellent level
requesting that we
this year,
An encouraging indicator of potential Church growth was an increase of 51%
in the number of new visits conducted by our ministers in 1982.
1982 was a notable year for overseas visitors. Dr. and Mrs. Herman Hoeh
were with us for Passover and Unleavened Bread, and Dr. Hoeh spoke in four
locations, reaching some 85% of the brethren in New Zealand and the Pacific
Islands. Messrs. Richard Rice, Ron Urwiller and Sam Lennon visited the
Auckland office in June.
Mr. Dexter Faulkner and Mr. George Patrickson were with us for the Feast of
Tabernacles. Mr. Herbert Armstrong was with us too--by means of live video
satellite transmission! November saw a visit by Mr. Gerald Waterhouse, who
spoke in every Church area.
Late in December, five Ambassador College students flew in to serve as
counsellors and staff at the 1982/83 S.E.P. Over 160 campers and staff en­
joyed an extremely successful summer camp on Montutapu Island, near Auck­
We ended the year with 665 members, 600 co-workers and 1,658 donors sup­
porting God's work. The Church meets in 14 different locations, with a
total average monthly attendance of over 1,000. GOOD NEWS circulation in­
creased by 18.6% to a total of 1,423, and YOUTH 82 circulation of 1,638 was
seven times greater than that of YOUTH 81.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
There are not enough words in any language known to man to
express the praise to our Great God for inspiring you and your
staff to set up the Ministerial Refreshing Program and making
allowance for the local Church elders to attend. The Program is
truly God inspired.
To see you was a great delight inasmuch as I did not have this
opportunity on the first Refreshing Program. It is very exciting