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Mail received for 1982 was up 7.7% over 1981, and literature dispatched was
up 11%.
The steady growth of circulation over the last few years has
resulted in a 12.5% increase in donors and a 4.5% increase in co-workers
over 1981. The advertising programme has pulled 30,000 responses for the
year, and the newsstand programme has led to 12,000 new PT subscribers.
Response from the newsstand programme is running in the region of 2 to 3.5%.
Income for 1982 was up 6.3% over the previous year.
There have also been changes in ministerial deployment at the end of the
year. Mr. Mark Ellis, who has been pastor in Ireland for several years, is
leaving to serve the Work in Australia and will be pastoring Sydney South.
Mr. John Jewell has moved to Ireland to replace Mr. Ellis, his responsi­
bilities in Southwest England now being carried by Mr. David Bedford.
Scandinavia This past year saw the translation and printing of several
booklets into Norwegian.
In addition, several lessons of the
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE have been translated and typeset, and are awaiting
final graphic design before printing.
Due to limitations on advertising in the first half of 1982, circulation in
Scandinavia dropped to 10,000.
In 1983, by placing advertisements in
certain direct-response publications, we plan to boost circulation over
20,000 and to continue the booklet translation programme.
Mr. Peter Shenton, pastor for Scandinavia, visits the area 8-10 times per
year to hold services and visit members and prospective members.
New Zealand 1982 has been a year of solid growth for God's Work in this
part of the world. As a result, God's warning witness is now being brought
to more New Zealanders in a more powerful way than ever before!
The year began with a series of Mr. Herbert Armstrong's full-page WALL
STREET JOURNAL ads being run in New Zealand's two top daily newspapers,
plus a series of full-page PLAIN TRUTH promotional ads in the country's
highest circulation magazine.
As the year moved on, some radio stations began to show interest in "The
World Tomorrow" broadcast.
In October, four stations began airing the
program every Sunday evening--the first time Mr. Armstrong has been heard
on the air in New Zealand since 1978.
The PLAIN TRUTH newsstand program swung into full gear in 1982, with just
under half a million magazines distributed on the newsstands, an increase
of· 331% over last year.
Around 5,500 newsstand response cards were
returned to the office, up 364% over 1981, and almost exactly 50% of these
people requested THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY along with a
regular subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH.
Several visit requests have
already been received from people who came into contact with us through the
newsstand program.
Newsstand distribution averaged over 40,000 copies per month. In addition,
an average of 42,350 copies of The PLAIN TRUTH were mailed to subscribers
each month. As of D�cember, it is calculated that one in every 13.7 New
Zealand households receives the magazine!
Tough economic conditions and a government-imposed year-long wage and price
freeze began to affect the income as the year progressed. Mail income ended