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Sabbath morning, at eleven o'clock, Mr. Armstrong addressed the local con­
gregation. He explained the reason for the Church and the role it plays in
our salvation. He also explained the two trees of Genesis and how ancient
Israel did not have the Holy Spirit. One hundred and forty-four adults and
fifty-seven children were present, making that Sabbath a record attendance
for the Jamaica congregation.
Immediately after Sabbath services, Mr. Armstrong held a meeting with all
the English-speaking ministers of the Caribbean and Mr. Pablo Gonzalez,
Pastor of the Spanish-speaking Church in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Armstrong's talk to all the ministers and wives present was both sobering
and encouraging.
Before Mr. Armstrong began the meeting with the ministers and wives, Mr.
Stan Bass presented Mr. Armstrong with a scroll containing the signatures
of the members of the 12 churches and two outlying Bible studies in the
English-speaking Caribbean. He also presented Mr. Armstrong with two other
a clock made of Jamaican cedar given by the Kingston, Jamaica
congregation, and a painting of Kaiteru Falls (Guyana) sent by the members
of God's Church in Guyana.
1982 in Review: The year proved to be an unprecedented one for the growth
of God's Work in the Caribbean. Our total mail count of 79,031 was up 88.2%
over last year. Following is a breakdown of the mail:
White Mail
Regular Mail
Donation Mail
Percentage Increase
over 1981 -
For the first time in the history of the Work in the Caribbean the income
topped the million dollar mark. The region actually received US$1,158,856,
which was an increase of 35.5% over last year. Interestingly, our expend­
itures also increased by 35.5% over 1981. Fortunately, the expenditures
fell short of the million dollar mark, thus permitting us some reserves.
The Churches experienced encouraging physical growth. With the membership
increasing by 10.8% we now have a total of 829 members. The increase in
Church attendance over 1981 was 29.6%, thereby bringing the average attend­
ance figure to 1,542. Bible study attendance increased by 35.7% and Feast
attendance was up 16.8%.
Overall, it was a year of blessings from God. With the addition of a Church
in Dominica we now have 12 Churches meeting on a regular basis (some twice
per month). Also, we added one more Bible study in October when 19 persons
(14 of which are members) met in St. Vincent for the first monthly Bible
study. To top it off we were privileged to have Christ's apostle visit the
Caribbean twice during 1982.
With enthusiasm running high and spirits
renewed as a result of his recent visits and sermons, we look forward to
even greater blessings and greater achievements in this new calendar year
of 1983.
U.K. & Eire At the end of 1982 PLAIN TRUTH subscriber circulation for the
u.K. and Eire was approximately 86,000--an increase of nearly 29% over