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Though the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE was shertened to 12 lessons during the
'70s, it still continued to faithfully reflect the teachings of God's
Church. The course did not become tainted by liberal teachings that crept
into the Church during the last decade. {Those who have taken the time to
go over the first 12 lessons already know this.)
It is as much a "trunk of
the tree" course as the old 58-lesson course was: it just was limited to 12
lessons for about 10 years. Now Mr. Armstrong is expanding the course.
{New Lessons 13-16 and Test 4 have already been published, with Lessons 17,
18 and 19 at the press and many other new lessons coming along.)
Robert Ellington has recently been disfellowshipped
and indicates he will leave the Jacksonville, Florida
area and try to attend services elsewhere.
He is
retired and lives in a Volkswagen van. Please contact
Mr. Allen Bullock if he shows up in your area.
International News
Caribbean From Regional Director for the English-language Caribbean area,
Mr. Stan Bass, comes this report: December was a very exciting month for
God's Work in the Caribbean.
Apart from increases in mail, income,
additions to the Church and prospective members, we were blessed with a
visit by Mr. Herbert
Armstrong to the island of Jamaica. Following are
the highlights of that visit.
Thursday evening, December 16, 1982, at six-fifteen, the NlllAC, carrying
Mr. Herbert w. Armstrong and his party, arrived at the Norman Manley Inter­
national Airport, Kingston, Jamaica.
Mr. Armstrong spent two days in Jamaica where he met with dignitaries and
spoke to the local congregation of God's Church. On Friday morning he met
with the Governor General, the Most Honourable Florizel Glasspole. The
Governor General, himself 73 years old, was amazed at Mr. Armstrong's con­
tinued activities.
He wanted to know if Mr. Armstrong had considered
retirement. Mr. Armstrong replied that he would not retire.
They went on to talk about the increasing importance of the European Common
Market, the European Parliament and other related subjects. Mr. Armstrong
explained that the world was going to be shocked at the emergence of a
United States of Europe which would be the resurrection of the ancient Holy
Roman Empire. The Governor General expressed his confidence that, although
it appeared certain, there would not be a nuclear world war III.
Later, Friday afternoon, Mr. Armstrong met with the Prime Minister of
Jamaica, the Honourable Edward Seaga. This meeting lasted about fifteen
minutes. ·The Prime Minister had to leave for an out-of-town appointment at
four o'clock.
Therefore their conversation was general in nature and
rather brief. The Prime Minister expressed some interest in the size and
growth of the Church in the Caribbean and in Jamaica.