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He is trying to make an ISSUE of a supposed father-and-son
controversy, in which he makes emotional appeals for sympathy and
The ISSUE is this and this only! WHY HAS GOD CALLED US OUT
who himself chose his Apostle and which is doing the Work and
fulfilling the mission of the one Church to which we were called!
THAT IS THE ONLY REAL ISSU� Fasten peoples mindsc)n'rJiAT! Get
their minds off the petty, subtle, personal things.
You know he is DISHONORING his father. When he shut off all
communication a.nd authority above himself, he SHUT OFF JESUS CHRIST
As for his efforts to defame and discredit and dishonor his
father about doctors and drugs, he has lied, as well as in other
areas. He has said that when I sit down--;-ana rise, I totter.
That's a lie! I label it a lie! All those in the Church at
Pasadena, and at Tuscon who see TELECASTS recorded weekly, see me
walk briskly onto the stage -- and when I am through -- though I
sit at a desk during the broadcast, even as my son did -- I don't
totter, as a few thousand eye witnesses will tell you! Tea has said
that at one point I fainted in his arms -- ANOTHER LIE! Once
several months ago, I stumbled over scales I couldn't see on the
floor of the bathroom, and momentarily lost balance against an iron
railing. I was perfectly able to get back on my feet, but Ted hap­
pened to be just outside the door and helped me get back on my feet •
. That could have happened to a 48 year old -- Ted's age.
I don't think his ridiculous lies about my being senile need
any answer. I am on TV coast to coast every week, and hundreds of
thousands know better!
I have worked very hard for 86 years. At age 85 I was considered
dead from neart failure, after over-extending myself. I knew I had high
blood pressure and was overweight, and until I could reduce my
weight I was taking some non-drug pills prescribed by a Tokyo
physician, to reduce or to regulate blood pressure. I went to the
only doctor I knew in Tucson last August for a refill prescription
the same doctor I went to for a required checkup for a marriage
license. I had no intention of putting myself under his care.- He
wanted, on taking"""my blood pressure, to put me immediately into a
hospital. I REFUSED -- said I did not need his services, and went
to my home in Tucson. Next day I looked up from relaxing in a chair
and saw the doctor standing over me. I was surprised. I had not
called him. Again I said I did not need him, and refused to go to
a hospital. I PRAYED INSTEAD! I was in a more serious condition,
however, than I realized, and the next thing I knew a hospital bed
had been moved into my bedroom, and nurses stationed on eight hour
shifts around the clock.