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I suffered a complete heart failure at that time. But God
restored me to set his Church and Work back on his track through
the mouth-to=inouth resuscitati�of my wife'�sister and heart
pressuring of a nurse. I have� been� dru2s, as such, but
medicines designed only to help nature work in� body.
If you will read parts five and six of the articles on healing
in the Good News, you will see that I have set no example contrary
to what I preach as the OFFICIAL CHURCH DOCTRINE!
It's like one letter accusing me of putting my elder son Dick
in a hospital and under a doctor's care. I received a telephone
call that Dick had been in a head-on crash, and already was in a
hospital. I drove inunediately to San Luis Obispo, and saw him
completely shattered and broken up in a hospital. Neither I nor
he put hiM there -- he was taken there unconscious by the police.
I annointE�d and prayed for him, but legally I would have been re­
strained from taking him out of the hospital or out of the doctor's
care. I have been accused in my wife's case because I didn't take
her to a hospital. Many headquarters ministers prayed over her with
me continually. Dr. Parrish from Big Sandy came and lived the last
month or more of her illness in an adjoining bedroom. A registered
nurse -- also a member of God's Church -- was with her night and
day. Dr. Parrish thought best not to send her to a hospital. Yet,
either way I get ACCUSED!
Fellows, don't covet my job! If you had it, you'd get con­
continual persecution, false accusation, every opposition. You'd
find Satan zeroing in on you to DESTROY YOU and YOU WOULD HAVE TO
RELY ON JESUS CHRIST, for otherwise Satan would destroy your-
But I praise GOD -- he is still on his throne, and Jesus Christ
is there beside him, interceding for us!
US OUT OF THE WORLD" -- HE HAS CALLED US not into following a man
with no church, college, or facilities for performing the GREAT
COMMISSION, but into his Church which he raised�' has blessed, and
thou9h under�sori'"'"s�cular mismanagement stopped growing,���
now back on the track -- ONCE AGAIN GROWING!
The INCOME is UP! GTA has no access to the figures, and
when he says it is down he is lying! The business office announced
Tuesday -- I think it will be included in this week's Pastor's
Report -- the Church owes less than at any time in many years.
Notice Proverbs 6:16-19: "These six things does the Eternal
HATE: yea, SEVEN are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a
lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that