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You know that! My rebellious son, often professing publicly to
honor his father, behind my back, and in many, many private conver­
sations (I now learn) ridiculed and insinuated many things designed
to discredit his father. Read again Romans 16, verses 17 and 18.
He not only caused division, he now is by "good words and fair
speeches" deceiving the hearts of many of the simple, but trusting
and sincere brethren!
How should you answer his statements arousing questions, doubts,
and suspicions against GOD'S CHURCH AND WORK?
As stated above, a HOUSE DIVIDED can't stand.
no longer divided! Mr. GTA is now sowing the seeds
brethren -- one of the seven things GOD HATES! But
brethren that GOD'S CHURCH MARCHES ON!
God's Church is
of discord among
assure all
My son is out to GET, not GIVE. While he writes and by his
clever words and "fair speeches," he deceives some sincere brethren
into thinking he is "proclaiming the gospel to the world". YOU KNOW
that is a LIE.! He has no facilities to go "into all the world for a
witness unto all nations" -- but GOD'S CHURCH HAS! The Plain Truth is
now nearing the THREE MILLION circulation mark, and we have plans to
make it not only the FINEST magazine on earth, but at least next to
Reader's Digest in mass circulation!
GTA is on three or four radio stations once a week only, and
a small station in Los Angeles daily -- but look� and compare the
radio and TV log in the Good News! God's Church has the FACILITIES,
and ORGANIZATION, the PO�ofGod's Holy Spirit to fulfill the
PURPOSE of the Church -- to get Christ's message into ALL THE WORLD!
We have large office staffs around the world. The sun never sets on
our offices!
He has NO CHURCH, an actual fact, but anybody can incorporate
as a church. ��en my son was still in God's Church, with a sharo de­
cline setting in the past five years, he began to quit using tne·�
of God in the Work, and established the name "GARNER TED ARMSTRONG".
He even got out a new letterhead for correspondence, with just his
own name and his PICTURE at the top! As Messrs. Cole, LaRavia, Wright
and others said to me,finally daring to come to me with what really
was "going on" at headquarters, Ted was trying to DESTROY everything
that Jesus Christ had built through his apostle,� build something
for Garner Ted! That is precise! � what he is
doing � -- no � get­
ting the gospel into all the worl ::-::--J:>ut trying to GET for himself
Worldwide Church of God members!
He is not a church! He has no church! There is but ONE TRUE
CHURCH and today that is the Church of which you are ministers --
the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD -- which truly is worldwide, not a
pretense, HYPOCRISY and a SHAM! Answer peoples' questions with these