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I did not want accreditation! My son did, and kept after me
about-i:r:- 'r'said that it would soon make Ambassador like any other
college -- no longer God's College, unique in all the world. He
argued and insisted that he could get accreditation and still
keep Ambassador God's College. Finally, under conditions that it
would be accomplished that way, I consented. Now my son has said
publicly that I wanted accreditation. THAT IS A LIE! AND HE KNOWS
IT IS A LIE! All through this maze of efforts for accreditation I
have repeated that again and again.
WHAT HAPPENED? My son began moving more and more PhD's from
other colleges and universities into the faculty. Ted always
wanted a more liberal way of life than I had learned from GOD'S
During these past four years, Ambassador became a totally
different college than I had founded. Jesus Christ was no longer
the head over the college -- CHRIST WAS KICKED OUT! Last year
for the first time there was a protest demonstration on campus.
Immorality became rampant. I won't go further in this report as
to the nauseating details. I have had to start Ambassador College
all over again, starting with one clas� on�y, which next year,
will become a sophomore class, with a new incoming freshman class.
I plan, under Jesus Christ's guidance, to take four years, just
as at the beginning, to build� again GOD'S COLLEGE!!
My son began watering down doctrines behind my back while I
was away. A leading minister said only yesterday in my office,
that I would address a ministerial meeting, 'then as soon as I was
gone a totally different attitude would be taking over my son.
On the STP, a memo from a minister in high position at
headquarters writes: those preparing the STP "were operating
under Ted's direction. I've heard Ted say for years that he wanted
a series of hard-bound books in which the doctrines of the-church
were systematically outlined" (emphasis mine).
I never so much as heard of that desire and it was entirely
under Ted's direction -- without� realizing it! The memo con­
tinues, "he mentioned this at the conference."
Some three or four years ago I sensed the conspiracy as I
mentioned above, for a "coup" to take over the Church and the
College. I went privately to Ted about it. He denied it, and I
made the mistake of believing him and assuring the Church that we
were TOGETHER back-to-back. I was! He WASN'T!
So it became "a house divided." My son brought about
DIVISION in the Church. At headquarters they wondered who was in
charge, though Ted undoubtedly had succeeded in giving many the