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Current findings show a 3% response rate overall in the PT newsstand
program, which works out to a $4.35 cost per response. The vast
potential for PT newsstand circulation was discussed. Many areas are
barely scratched. With existing staff and newsstand network personnel,
3-4 million PTs could be distributed. With increased staff and news­
stand network personnel,up to seven million could be successfully
handled in the United States alone.
Flexibility was stressed as a major benefit of the PT newsstand
program. We do not have contracts or permanent obligations, and can
therefore move and switch according to varying needs.
The 3% response in the U.S., though good, is still Bubstantially less
than the 6% achieved in the U.K. newsstand program. Testing with
various improved insert cards as well as determining the very best
outlets will be utilized to improve our response rate. Extra emphasis
needs to be placed on the magazine cover, which is a factor in both
reader pickup and continuing reader involvement.
Jack Martin stressed the need for financial planning for a 3 to 5
year period into the future since publishing costs (printing, paper,
postage} are increasing at rates well above the normally high inflation
rates. The prospect of such increasing costs per unit will multiply
the total cost of the program, especially with a goal of dramatically
increasing circulation. We do not want to disappoint the church in
the future with cutbacks.
Airports are favored newsstand outlets since the high traffic assures
that a greater percentage of new people will be exposed to our message.
(On some regular newsstands, up to one-third of the people are
"requlars," picking up the PT every month.}
Mr. Rader offered an idea of creating a ''sweepstakes" to increase
the response rate to the PT, much as Readers Digest does. The concept
proposed a free trip to Southern Calfironia to see the college, etc.
We can determine the feasibility of such an idea, as well as its cost
effectiveness to increase response and bring more people into the
Subscriber Development system which is intended to lead readers into
a keener awareness of our teachings via our literature and greater
involvement in God's Work.
Mr. Rader reviewed the history of the newsstand program which goes
back about ten years. Mr. Armstrong had been constantly concerned
in those days that a high pressure approach was wrong. Since the
early sixties new ways of circulating the PT, for example Family
Circle's techniques, were presented to Mr. Armstrong. He first
approved it for England since there was no radio or TV there. In
the last few years the PT newsstand program has contributed to a
dignified image for the Work as well as gained increasing vi�ibility.
Our overall PT renewal rate is about 25% for (first time} conversions
and 65% for subsequent renewals.
Further ideas discussed for future consideration involved new ways
to utiliie church member help to promote the PT -- yet always maintain
the proper dignity set by Mr. Armstrong.