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Roger Lippross presented a report of a preliminary direct mail test
for the PT. Modeled on techniques learned through Quest and conducted
last winte� 10,000 subscribers to Prevention magazine and donors to
humanitarian causes were offered a six-month PT subscription. The
initial response was 5.5% -- quite good with a cost per new response
of less than $2.00 which is also extremely good. Furthermore, the
promotional package sent was quickly put together and better packages
should pull better in the future. Tracking of the 552 people who
responded showed a higher than usual rate of movement towards becoming
donors and co-workers. More tests are required considering the small
sample size, the changing PT, time factors, different packages, lists,
etc. Great potential is available
using outside mailing lists,
but there is a saturation point in these too.
Mr. Rader updated everyone about his conversations with Mr. Armstrong
since the last meeting. Mr. Armstrong wants the PT to be the major
vehicle to bring people onto our list and keep them progressing.
Subscriber Development filled a void left by the change in the PT and
the demise of Tomorrow's World. Mr. Armstrong has been talking about
improving the CC; he feels it should be expanded in function and
variety. He is very pleased with the PT newsstand program.
Mr. Armstrong wants the PT to be the finest magazine in the religious
field, just as Quest is the finest magazine in the secular field,
and to follow the guidelines set forth in the Pastor's Report several
weeks ago. Mr. Armstrong wants us to apply all the knowledge gained
through Quest, using innovative techniques to promote circulation such
as direct mail and inserts in Sunday newspapers, etc.
Other new concepts for the facilitation of the follow-up include
using the WATS lines to answer questions, give professional spiritual
counseling, etc. Sabbatical ministers can be used to man the phones,
giving them new opportunities as well as offering our people new
services. This should be studied, including the advertising of these
Mr. Armstrong wants to utilize the PT to promote church literature,
and a coordinated effort between the various departments is necessary
to accomplish this. Additional ideas presented to Mr. Armstrong
include new ways of using the local ministry such as in local Bible
classes to back up the Correspondence Cours�.
Mr. Rader discussed the current television program; with the current
series being completed we have a powerful vehicle to shift around the
country. Mr. Armstrong likes TV spots, but we must present the best
booklets. Mr. Rader discussed the idea of new formats for Mr.
such as a dialogue/interview style with Art Gilmore.
Dick Quincer presented ideas for six TV specials, all oriented toward
major visual presentation: the incredible human potential; the existence
of God; Christ and His Message; prophecy; life after death; why marriage.
Mr. Rader concluded by announcing that Jack Martin will become his staff
assistant functioning in several areas including PT circulation, Quest
and church books.
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