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I can assure you that Mr. Armstrong has grown in knowledge and in
spiritual truth (he will tell you this himself) since 1947, and
consequently, anyone who has a misconceived idea about what Mr.
Armstrong might have been like 25 years ago ought to take a look
and trace what Mr. Armstrong has written and what he has done over
these last 25 or 30 years and he will find that he has never
deviated from God's truth. But you will also find that he has, as
he himself will tell you, matured spiritually and in knowledge.
And if someone asked me today, "How could I sum up Ambassador
College?", it's very simple. Our students here will learn all about
God.and they will learn about the universe. They will learn about
society and they will learn about themselves. And that is the whole
principle of education. We used to do a very good job of teaching
these things here and I'm sure that under the leadership Mr. Armstrong
has put back into the college, we will do it again.
* * * * *
2:15 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. ; September 14, 1978
Participants: Stan Rader, Wayne Cole, Richard Rice, Dexter Faulkner,
Roger Lippross, John Lundberg, Dick Quincer, Ellis LaRavia, Art
Mokarow, Larry Omasta, David Antion, Les McCullough, Brian Knowles,
Robert Kuhn, Ted Gould, Jack Martin, George Birdwell, Ed Bodo, Fred
Stevens, Jack Bicket, Henry Cornwall, Ted Herlofson, Joanna Pilkington,
Ralph Helge, Sherwin McMichael.
Roger Lippross began with a formal flip chart presentation on the PT
newsstand program. Initiated in Kentucky in 1976, today 900,000
magazines are distributed every month through roughly 5,000 outlets
in the United States. These outlets are organized through 350 news­
stand coordinators, most of whom have ten or more people working for
them. This means that well over 3,000 people, all of whom are church
members, are directly involved with the PT in their local communities.
For so many members to be so actively involved in helping preach the
gospel is a tremendous source of church-wide enthusiasm and high
morale. Many area coordinators and ministers have aggressively stated
that the PT newsstand program is the most highly supported activity
of the church, and the constant cry is for more magazines.
The Direct results of the newsstand program since 1976 shows 200,386
responses, 2,334 donors, 20 co-workers and at least 9 members. At
present we receive5-6,000 new responses per week, which is approximately
80% of all new adds to the PT, a startlingly high figure and a dramatic
historical shift for the Work. The conversion response (those renewing
for the first time) is 25-30% which yields a cost of $17.00 per renewed
subscriber, which compares very favorably with other media. This
renewal cost is a critical factor in judging the cqst effectiveness
of programs, and should now be used as one primary standard in inter­
media and intra-media analysis. The total cost of magazine production
combined with the operational cost of the newsstand program is 13.06¢
per copy (for the special 32 paae newsstand PT), breaking down as
follows: Film, .4; Printing, R.58; Freight, .15; Display Equipment,
l.5; Rental Space, 1.0 ; Subscription Cards, .68; Salaries, .4.