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but an observer and who has the teletypes clicking away 24 hours
a day just like in any newspaper office or television news departĀ­
ments. We have the big three - - AP, UPI and Reuters. We have the
news coming in right here on campus just as quickly as any newspaper
does. We have a man, Gene Hogberg, who is a real genius in that, and
he understands God's way too.
Then we need a course in practical psychology, but one that's
totally different from the psychology they're teaching in this world's
universities. (I'm going to inspect that one myself, although I know
I can't teach it.) But if I can't get the right kind of a course and
someone that can teach it from God's point of view, we won't have
that, but I hope we can.
Then I want a course on a survey of the arts. But one that
looks at it from God's point of view. It should address what are
the arts in the world and how much of them is right in God's sight
and what is not.
Then we ought to have something on health, diet, and nutrition.
That's something that I would say very few know much about. A few
years ago, a doctor who was one of the pioneers of the local
church here in Pasadena said, "Well, we doctors have been so busy
curing people that are already sick, we haven't had any time to
study foods and diet or the causes of what makes them get sick in
the first place."
Well, now, for about the last ten or twelve years or so, doctors
have been studying diet and nutrition to some extent. My personal
view of it is they have not progressed very far. I don't know
of anybody who is an authority on it, frankly. And doctors still
don't generally believe in anything like fasting. And yet God has
put fasting as one of the things that He has taught us that we ought
to do. Jesus Christ did fast. Daniel and others fasted. (There
are two reasons, of course, for fasting. One is spiritual and the
other is physical.)
Now I want to start a chorale once again, and a music department.
We had a fine music department and I worked with that department
for many years. Then we need to teach basics in business and law.
We don't have physical education this year. We want to have it
again, but competition is one of the things that Satan introduced,
so we are not going to have intercollegiate competition. I never
was for that in the first place, and until my son was taking over
and he wanted it, we didn't have it. That's out and it's going to
stay out.
Foreign languages: I don't think we will try to have a major
in Spanish or French or German, which will be the three languages
that we probably shall teach, as we have in the past. We're coming
to the place that we might even give consideration to Japanese too.
But in any event, a minor in language should be available.
Then natural science: I have wanted the basic sciences taught
{such as physics and geology). We should make this field cover as much