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as a layman ought to know to be a well-educated person. But Ambassador
will not train on a major scale in the sciences.
We need something adequate on family relations, too.
Well, those are some of the courses that I am hoping to add and
that I want to see. That is what I am outlining for the future. If
you have not read one of the older catalogues get one and read the
Foundational Policy written by me (I don't think that's even been in
the catalog in the last year or so -- it came to the point they
didn't believe in anything that God believed in). I believe God
established these guidelines, but others wanted to take that educa­
tional philosophy out. Get one of the older catalogues containing
"the missing dimension in education." Read those things, if you
haven't done so already. I'm giving that as an assignment to you
Now you're on trial -- just as man has been on trial, just as
angels were -- to see if Ambassador College can go on. You will have
to be the backbone. If we're going to have a college next year, you
have got to take the new freshmen in and steer them our way instead
of going that other way. Ambassador College will never go Satan's
way again, I promise you that. And if I find it tending to, I will
close it down.
Now here we have been recognized as the most beautiful campus
in the United States for two years running (which is the limit that
they've established). We have received the award for being the most
beautiful, best-landscaped, and best-maintained campus in the United
States of America. And I'll tell you, if they ever had such a thing
in England, we would have gotten that over there, too. I would say
that probably the second best is the campus in Big Sandy, Texas.
And some might even put it first because it's altogether different
from this and has many, many acres down there, whereas we're right
in the city here. We have a totally different setting over there.
I don't qet to talk to you too often, but I'm going
to get here for these forums once in a while this year.
were originally begun so I could talk to the students in
keep this God's type of college.
* * * * *
to try
These forums
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