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Now then, I'm going to give you a little shock. I'll tell you
what I have in mind, if you students do well.
Ambassador College started in 1947 with one class -- the
freshman class. In .1948, we added another freshman class, but the
freshman class of 1947 then became a sophomore class. The next year
we added another freshman class. Now we had three classes. And
the first students then became juniors. And then the next year
they became seniors. Then we added more. Starting out with only
four students, I was able to build a college God's way. Now we have
over a hundred of you that are freshmen this year. and I don't know
whether we can do it or not. It depends on you. There are some
things I cannot force you to do. But there's one thing I can do.
I can close this college down 100%, completely!
Now one professor in the barbershop the other day told the
barber, "Well, if this thing doesn't go right, it can't be God's
college and Mr. Armstrong will close it." He continued, "Well, if
one man has the power to close the whole college, that is wrong."
You see, he had been educated in the colleges of this world where
no one man could have that power. Well, God has given me that power
and let me tell you, Jesus Christ has that power and delegates it
to me. I can close this college down. Now that isn't what I want
to do. So I'm going to show you what I hope we can do.
I hope that next year we can, add another class and you who are
now freshmen will then be sophomores. The year after that I hope
we can add another freshman class and we'll then have three classes
just like the college in the early years. I hope we go on till
this is a four-year college once again. But it must be 100% God's
college. And I'm determined that Satan is not going to be in this
college. If you want to go along with Satan, you have to get out to
be with Satan because he's not going to be in here.
Let me give you just a little outline of what I hope we will
be able to have in the way of possible courses. One is speech. We
need a speech course. One is journalism, but I tell you, the
journalism of this world is absolutely wrong. It will have to be the
kind of journalism that God has shown me. I know a lot of them don't
think I'm a very good writer, but when they write, nobody pays any
attention to what they write. They write and nobody answers. I write
and there are results. Now I think that's the proof of the pudding.
It's in the eating.
We need a course in home economics or domestic science. Now
we happer. to have, I think, the best home ec teacher in the world
available to us. And we need a course in history, especially
connected with biblical history and with the prophecies of the Bible.
We need to get back to that once again. And we are well equipped with
those who can teach it from that point of view.
We need a course in international relations. And we happen to
have a·man here who understands the ways of God, who understands what
is wrong in the world, but who devotes his time to keeping up with
what is going on in the world -- as an observer, not a participant,