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Greetings Mr. Tkach:
We've been home now for the past five days and are busy applying
all the inspirational direction we received during the ninth
refreshing session! We deeply appreciate Mr. Armstrong's overall
direction in this second round of refreshing courses and your and
your staff's tireless efforts in seeing to it that we were
refreshed both spiritually and physically.
We have been
Please convey our gratitude to all the instructors
and their assistants.
The unity of one spirit pervaded the
campus and was contagious. God is now--more than ever before-­
surely leading us into all His truth.
Jerry and Mary Ann Aust
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
God's people are more solidly
behind His Apostle than ever.
Many are re-examining their
spiritual lives and growing as a result. Mr. Armstrong's example
of zeal and driving himself is an inspiration to both young and
old; it is an impetus to put more effort into their calling.
Despite local high unemployment, God's people are being spared
and continue to be blessed, which is auite evident to them. I
want to extend my personal thanks to Mr. Tkach and the
Ministerial Services team for their strong efforts to back up Mr.
It is really encouraging to see the fruits
increasing. PM requests are increasing here. As we have been
told, if we please God we will be blessed.
The brethren here have
especially enjoyed Mr. Armstrong's taped sermons and have com­
mented on how strong Mr. Armstrong has been on the telecast
lately. I have also noticed these same comments from several
PM's I have visited lately. A number of members in the Laurel
area are having financial difficulties due to the depressed job
However, attitudes remain excellent and the brethren
really have
hearts behind Mr. Armstrong and God's Work.
CLEVELAND (EAST), OH--GUY L. ENGELBART: The economic situation
continues to worsen here. We have about six men in the congrega­
tion out of work. They will probably have to move to get employ­
ment. I just read a report showing that Cleveland is one of the
worst cities in the U.S.A. in which to live--from an economic and
crime standpoint.
The congregation enjoys seeing
new faces. The Church at large seems to be in a time of compara­
tive peace, but most do not appear to be taking it easy. Most of
the brethren are taking a serious approach to their lives and
this Work. An attitude of service is being expressed more and
more lately.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services