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PLAIN TRUTH Circulation Reaches 5,000,000 Mark!
Circulation for The PLAIN TRUTH has now surpassed the five million mark-­
highest in the history of the Work!
Presently, the circulation isover
5,130,000 worldwide.
Update on Display Islands in New York City
We reported recently (PGR, May 25) that we were able to place a PLAIN TRUTH
display island in the World Trade Center in New York City. This has proved
so successful that we have had to increase the number of magazines
allocated to the New York area. Also, it seems that what we are doing in
New York has caught on with other advertisers. Our display islands use four
literature racks, which is twice as many as everyone else. Now the company
who rents us the display island has informed us that because of our example
everyone now wants four racks and that they have run out of stock.
The following is a letter we received from a lady who picked up the magazine
at another display island we have in Penn Station, New York City. These
locations are proving to be excellent in reaching the New York business
It has been my great pleasure and surprise to read a couple of
samples of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, which I found in Penn
Station, New York. I never thought I would be so engrossed when I
first picked one up, but now I can't seem to put it down.
I have ordered my subscription already and also sent for some of
the pamphlets you advertised. I also came across your invitation
to join the Bible Correspondence Course. This is the first and
only Bible course I have seen that is free of charge. I would
greatly appreciate it if you could enroll me in this course. It
is something that I have always wanted to do.
I have noticed that many people on the trains read your magazine.
It truly is an eye-opener. Thank you for the opportunity to
learn more about the Bible without any misconceived notions that
most religions teach. I am very grateful.
Post-feast WORLDWIDE NEWS Coverage
Yours sincerely, F.V.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
As the Feast of Tabernacles rapidly approaches, we would like to update you
on our annual post-Feast WORLDWIDE NEWS coverage.
Because of the continued expansion of God's Festival, to adequately cover
the Feast worldwide we have scheduled two WORLDWIDE NEWS post-Feast edi­
. tions. The October 18 WORLDWIDE NEWS iss'ue will include reports from U.S.
and Canadian sites, with more photos than previous issues. The scheduled
November 1 WN will feature the international sites.