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Mr. Tkach:
What a profitable and enjoyable time! MRP II was a real high-
1ight in our ministry. Two weeks is surely an optimum length and
it seemed an excellent balance between classes and leisure. The
worthwhile discussions we had with fellow ministers from around
the world were stimulating.
We especially appreciate Mr.
Armstrong taking the time to address us. His dedication, hard
work and love seemed to permeate the whole program. Thanks to
all who were involved.
Dave and Linda Fiedler
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend the Ministerial
Refreshing Program classes. Not only did we receive more spirit­
ual meat, but we had the opportunity to see firsthand how much
Headquarters has grown in love and the spirit of unity.
It's great to see a full house at Friday night Bible studies and
to watch brethren fellowshipping long after services have fin­
ished._ The "Kaffee Klatsch" was a nice way to meet the Pasadena
membership. Also, the Wednesday night dinners and the entertain­
ment by the Spanish-speaking Church were highlights of the trip.
There seemed to be more camaraderie with the ministry on this
trip as well.
Most of the students were away for the summer break, but those we
did meet impressed us with their interest and dedication for
God's Work. Any minister who has not done so should participate
in Sabbath singing with the young people: it's a good way to make
new friends and brings back old memories of our own student days •.
Of course, the highlight of the session was Mr. Armstrong's in­
spiring and sobering visit. We will need to stay close to God so
that we may avoid the complacency and lethargy that so easily
afflicts us.
Gary and Kimberly King
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you for the opportunity of attending the second Ministerial
Refreshing Program. I am a local church elder and my wife and I
had never taken any courses at Ambassador College previously.
Certainly being in the Ambassador College environment was the
perfect setting for the material we received.
The information was outstanding and we appreciate the time,
effort and dedication of all involved in presenting the lectures
and tours. And I certainly will do my best to teach others as I
have been taught.
Again, thank you for this wonderful opportunity. We are also
grateful to Mr. Armstrong for instituting the program as well as
allowing those of us who are not employed by the Work to attend.
David and Joy Metzel
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services