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From July 15 to 18 the College students traveled to Salzburg, Austria for an
enjoyable weekend of fellowshipping.
This Sabbath (July 17) Mr. Schnee
gave the sermon and after services the entire congregation picnicked by a
beautiful lake with the Alps in the background. A truly uplifting Sabbath
Finally, the students �et the brethren in Hamburg, Germany on the weekend
of July 23-25. Sunday morning they toured the city.
The Ambassador College students commented that the chance to meet with
brethren in Europe was the most valuable and inspiring educational oppor­
tunity of the summer program. They departed for London, England on July 29,
after concluding a full program of work and study.
Also this month, Mr. Schnee flew to England twice for meetings with Mr.
Armstrong. On July 30th Mr. Schnee left for Pasadena to participate in an
editorial conference taking place the first week in August. Then on July
26, Office Manager John Karlson and his family returned from Pasadena after
taking part in the two-week Ministerial Refreshing Program.
Overall mail increased a modest 10% in the month of July. Mail is generally
low duri�g this month due to the fact that most Germans take their vacations
Also, last year Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letter was sent inside
the July-August edition of KLAR & WAHR, which brought a large response in
July. This year the semiannual appears in the September issue of KLAR &
WAHR. Regular mail (letters and postcards), however, showed a 31% increase
over July, 1981 in spite of vacation time.
Mary Elizabeth Gainey has been disfellow­
shipped and marked according to the prin­
ciple in Romans 16: 17.
She has indicated
that she will try to attend services at any
of the Churches within the southern Califor­
nia area or other parts of the United States.
Apnreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Mr. Tkach:
Cheryl and I want to express our appreciation for the o�portunity
of attending the seventh session of the Ministerial Refreshing
Program in Pasadena recently. It is very encouraging to see the
progress that the Work has made since Mr. Armstrong, under
Christ's direction, started putting us back on the track.
The sessions were all very interesting and informative.
opportunity to have contact with those working at Headquarters
makes us all feel like a family. The spiritual meat we received
helps us keep our priorities straight in our responsibilities in
the ministry.
Bill and Cheryl Jahns