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Another Record Weekend for Mail
On the weekend of July 24-25 Mail Processing reported the highest weekend
in the Work's history for incoming mail. We received 58,991 pieces of mail
(letters and cards)--an eight percent increase over another all-time week­
end high tallied just a couple of weekends before! Once again responses to
Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letter caused this heavy influx of mail.
Telecast Convinces First-time Viewer to Donate Large Sum
Recently, God's Work received an unusual offering. A middle-aged gentle­
man, on his way to Germany from his home in Mexico, stopped off in Los
Angeles to visit some friends.
He happened to see The World Tomorrow
program on Sunday morning and was so impressed by Mr. Armstrong's forceful
and convincing message that he came to Headquarters and donated $5,850.00
in cash!
This man had never seen the ?rogram, heard of the Church or received any of
our literature before. It was his first contact with us. He had been sav­
ing the money to give to the church he sincerely felt was doing the Work of
God. The bills emitted a peculiar, mildew odor from having been stashed
away over a long period of time.
Members and Coworkers Blessed Despite Hard Times
Despite a depressed economy and unemployment faced by many, God is still
intervening in and blessing the lives of members and coworkers, as the
following accounts show.
Despite Low Income, God Continues to Bless
God is indeed blessing us all. I am a building contractor and
have just finished my first job since the Feast of Tabernacles.
I have not earned much this past year, but God has blessed me in
so many ways since He called me into His Church. God, through
you, has taught me how to get out of debt, so that today we own
our home as well as three automobiles. The only debt we have is
for a piece of property in the country which we are trying to
sell. If I had not learned to get on a cash basis and put aside
for a rainy day, I would have lost my home long ago because of
poor money management and the state of the economy. So instead
of complaining, I'm counting my blessings--and they are too many
for me to enumerate here.
D.M. (Salem, OR)
God Intervenes for Dedicated Mother
Recently I had to make a choice between working steady, and even
being promoted, or taking the summer off to be with my children.
I felt I could not leave my children at home all by themselves.
Their ages are 11 and 15. Others told me they were big enough to
stay alone, but I didn't buy that. I think they need me more than
ever. I was also told that I would lose my job and never be able
to work anywhere else.