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exemplified once again in the lives of the faculty and students of
Ambassador College.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
very instructive meeting with Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader concerning
The Plain Truth magazine. You've already read Mr. Armstrong's
comments 1.n last week's Pastor's Report, so I won't take space to
reiterate that material.
Present plans call for a completely redesigned PT beginning with the
February number -- which, incidentally, will be the 45th anniversary
issue of that publication. Mr. Armstrong plans to write a special
Personal for that issue.
Essentially, the PT will get back to what it once was in earlier
years. There will be much more biblical content and biblical
analysis of world trends. The fulfillment of prophecy will be a
central theme, as well as articles on "the home, family, the job,
school, the human body, the wallet. Articles on marriage, children
and family relations..• " will proclaim God's teaching on these sub­
jects as it is outlined in the Bible. Other articles will also deal
with personal health, finances, and current social conditions. These
are Mr. Armstrong's specific instructions for the content of the PT.
And they will be faithfully carried out.
Mr. Armstrong also pointed out that "THE GREAT COMMISSION is our
UNIQUENESS, our WONDERFUL CALLING that must pervade clearly every
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH."
Mr. Armstrong wants the PT to become the "world's best" magazine.
We on the PT editorial staff certainly share that wish, and we will
do everything possible to cooperate and follow through on his
directive. We would appreciate your prayers and support.
Mr. Armstrong has also stated that he does not now wish to see Garner
Ted Armstrong's booklets reprinted as planned (see the last Pastor's
Report}. He wishes to personally rewrite most of them himself. So
there will be some necessary delay in getting those subjects covered
in our literature.
Mr. Armstrong has been working terribly hard, often putting in 10 to
15-hour days at the typewriter. If you've ever written an article,
you'll know what kind of concentration that requires.
Well, that's it for this time. Please feel free to comment directly
to me on the needs in the literature area or on the content and
appearance of the PT. I may be able to discuss some article
possibilities with Mr. Armstrong as a result.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
NEWSSTAND UPDATE Plans put together in May of this year call for the
newsstand circulation of approximately one million to be maintained
as funds allow. Any growth in this circulation figure will only be
possible if God supplies an increase in our budget. Meanwhile, it