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the right course. God's way, His attitude, and His apP,roach must
permeate everything at Ambassador. We are no longer seeking
accreditation by this world. And the college is no longer yoking
itself in athletic competition with the world. Mr. Armstrong has
clearly stated, "We have been called out from them (the world) --
and yet one who was taking to himself authority never vested in him,
was encouraging our ministers to go back into them -- be like them -­
participate with them -- become the ENEMY OF GOD! Thistakeover of
unauthorized authority had put intercollegiate competition in the
basketball courts of God's College.•.•
"Once again, Christ through me, has put that competition with the
world out of Ambassador College •...
"There has been a TURN-AROUND in God's College!"
Where do we go from here? Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has indicated (in
a faculty meeting at his home in Tucson and during the first College
forum) that he is thinking seriously about again making Ambassador
College into a four-year College -- with strong emphasis on the Bible
in every facet of College life. To put Ambassador College back on the
right track as God's College (and we on the faculty and administration
of the College believe this is being done right now), Mr. Armstrong
may decide that the College is to again become a four-year College -­
in order to give the students time for sufficient contact with the
faculty so they can become rooted and grounded in a thorough under­
standing.of the Bible, and in God's way of life, as taught and
exemplified by the facul:ty of Ambassador College.
We, the faculty and administration of the College, ask the prayers of
the ministers and lay members so that God will continue to bless, guide,
and direct the course of His College.
It is our firm belief that if
the administration, faculty, and student body of the College please
God -- if we really get things solidly back on the right foundation
-- He will grant that Ambassador College may continue to teach the
young people of God's Church the right way.
There is simply no other college in the entire world where God's way
is taught. There is no other institution of higher learning where
the true Word of God is being faithfully communicated. The world
surely needs Ambassador College.
God is already smiling upon the dedicated efforts of the faculty and
administration of Ambassador. Already we see the same "Ambassador
spirit" prevailing on the campus which once was the real hallmark
of Ambassador. Students and faculty are again happy and are
beginning to "recapture the true values." Once more the College is
a light to the city of Pasadena, a light to the world, and a light to
the people of God. Once again, God's way of law and order, of faith
and courage, of give and service; His way of joy and happiness, of
peace and unity is being taught and exemplified here at Ambassador.
And we, the faculty and administrators of the College, are happy to
stand by Mr. Armstrong's side in staunchly maintaining God's way
against all the onslaughts of Satan.
We are greatly encouraged to know that the ministers and brethren of
God's Church are also happy to see the way of God being taught and