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would be appreciated if ministers would explain to their newsstand
representatives that at the moment they should plan for a gradual
increase to the January 1979 allotments, and to stay at that level
until further notice.
We have had a series of meetings here in Pasadena over the past week
with Mr. Rader and others that may enable us to free up more funds
for PLAIN TRUTH newsstand use. We have no budg-et for an increase,
but nevertheless hope that expansion may be possible.
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services
CO-WORKER NEWSLETTER PULLS WELL After nearly three months without an
issue of the "Co-Worker Newsletter," co-workers and donors are respond­
ing with enthusiasm to the June-July issue. (During the recent
administrative changes, publication of the "Newsletter" was temporarily
suspended until Mr. Herbert Armstrong could give us new guidelines.)
This June-July issue offered one of the Work's newer booklets, Tale
of Two Prophets, and has thus far produced a response rate 26% above
average! Although it is not one of our "record breakers," we are
glad to see this positive response from our supporters.
Mail is up in most categories. For the last couple of weeks Mr.
Armstrong's "s1�mi-annual" letter to PLAIN TRUTH subscribers has
contributed significantly to our mail volume. During the week
ending September 1, response to Mr. Armstrong's letter actually
amounted to 20% of the total mail for the week!
Renewals are also bringing in a good quantity of mail. And, the
PLAIN TRUTH flyer which we are sending to people who respond to the
Modern Romans TV spot commercials is also bringing a good response.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
again we are sharing with you some comments Mr. Rader made before the
Pasadena congregation following a taped sermon for TV by Mr. Herbert
Armstrong. Comments are from Sabbath services on September 9.)
Greetings, everyone. For years I've always said it's very difficult
to follow Mr. Armstrong /in a speaking opportuniti7. Not only is he
the most powerful speaker that I know, but surely he's also the most
Because we work so closely together and spend so many hours of every
day together, we naturally discuss many, many things. And then when
he comes into Pasadena, as he has this week, and he plans on speaking
both Friday night at the Bible study and then on Saturday, he has
planned what he's going to say. And when he invites me to speak, I
plan what I'm going to say.
So once again, I had planned on talking today about the world
tomorrow. I guess you're all lucky because he pretty much covered
that today in talking about the Kingdom of God ••• but I did have some
16 pages prepared. But you might wonder why I had planned on speaking
about that subject. Well, there are a variety of reasons. First