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sermon. My wife and I were personally inspired by the wisdom and
kindness of the Rices. Thanks again for sending a guest speaker
from H.Q.
(Pasadena Campus)
John Foster
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
On Thursday of last week we ended a two-week session of the MRP--a session
which was attended mainly by the faculties of both the Big Sandy and Pasa­
dena campuses. I heard various members of the faculty mention how they had
been both inspired and refreshed by their attendance of the program. It was
also good for all of us, through the MRP, to have had the opportunity to be
informed of the many diverse facets of the Work.
It was also good for us (especially, for members of the two faculties) to
have had a chance to get to visit together, to compare notes, and to get to
know each other better. As one faculty member expressed it, "It was a won­
derful opportunity to strengthen the unity between Pasadena and Big Sandy."
The next time we have the two faculties attending the MRP together, I hope
we will be able to plan enough in advance to have a few more opportunities
to get together in some of our homes here in Pasadena.
Mr. Armstrong and his party left for Big Sandy today, Friday, June 25th. He
will take the Bible study tonight and then fly on to Detroit tomorrow for
Sabbath services.
Seventeen churches will be meeting together to hear
God's Apostle. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ames flew down with him, and will
remain in Big Sandy during the summer S.E.P. program. Mr. Ames will again
(as he did last summer at Orr) assist in counseling, teaching, etc.
I might also mention that Mr. Armstrong has recently begun inviting various
ones serving in the Work here at Pasadena in for lunch--so he can get to
know them better, and so he can have an opportunity to discuss various as­
pects of their part of the Work in a relaxed, informal way. This has been
very enjoyable and also highly successful. It is one more means Mr. Arm­
strong has found by which he can more effectively communicate with those
who serve Jesus Christ under his direction.
The summer session of the College is now in full swing. We have a total of
176 students living on campus this summer, with 82 taking classes at pre­
sent. Nine summer classes are being taught. In addition, we're offering
two classes to those students at the Jerusalem Dig. Also, we are offering
13 Continuing Education classes--taught in the evenings.
These C.E.
classes are offered mainly for the purpose of allowing employees and other
members to take various classes (Bible Prophecy, Speech, Family Relations,
etc.) without being enrolled in the College degree program. Mr. Dean C.
Blackwell is again teaching a class in Bible Prophecy, and I am teaching a
class in Family Relations--stressing various important aspects of child
For several years now we have been able to have a number of Japanese
students stay on campus for about three weeks. Again this summer we are
expecting to have about 70 Japanese students. They are scheduled to arrive
here on July 18th, and will depart the campus on August 11th. We feel this