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S REPORT, JUNE 25, 1982
program has been highly successful.
We prepare lectures on Arnerican
History, Western culture, English, etc. Also, we arrange for the students
to sightsee in the Los Angeles area. They are always inspired and uplifted
by being here on this beautiful campus for this important session. In the
past, many of them have said that they hated to leave the campus after see­
ing its beauty, and after experiencing the warmth and friendliness of the
Ambassador students and faculty.
Recently, we sent what we presume will be the final group of students to
serve a six-month "tour of duty" on the ACEPT program in Thailand. Also, we
sent nearly 40 students and faculty to serve in Jerusalem on the "Big Dig"
for the summer. Mr. Richard Paige is again in charge, and has done a very
fine job in the past. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kelly of the Big Sandy campus are
also serving on this Ambassador College project this summer. Also this
summer, many students and faculty are again serving at Orr, Big Sandy or in
Scotland on the SEP program.
Mr. Kenneth C. Herrmann is visiting the Pasadena campus during the summer,
and is once again teaching a class in astronomy. We are happy to have him
back with us for the summer. As many of you old timers will remember, Mr.
Herrmann served as our Registrar for many years. He has remained a faithful
and dedicated Church member and servant of Jesus Christ throughout the
s many trials.
May God continue to bless, guide, inspire and protect all of you ministers
as you diligently serve Him to the best of your ability. We appreciate your
continued prayers and support for God's servant, Mr. Armstrong, and for
those of us here at Headquarters who are also helping to hold up his hands
in Christ's important end-time Work.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Heavy Response to Pictorial
To date, 63 percent of the member heads of household in the U.S. have re­
sponded to Mr. Armstrong's special letter offering the new ministerial bro­
chure. This brings the total number of requests to nearly 24,000 in about
one and a half months. If any brethren have not yet requested this special
publication, you might remind them that copies are still available.
Members have written to thank Mr. Armstrong for making this pictorial
available. They have found it to be a very valuable aid in praying for the
ministry worldwide. Following are several comments from those who received
the pictorial:
Thank you so much for the booklet with all the photos of the min­
istry. First, I looked for the faces of those I knew personally.
Then I began at the front, with the Council of Elders and the
evangelists, and then paged through the rest of the brochure. It
made me kneel and thank God for the body of teachers He has
called. By seeing their faces and knowing God
s Spirit was shin­
ing in each one, I was overcome with gratitude at His wisdom in
calling these men out of the world.
Through you, Mr. Armstrong, God has provided a vehicle for train­
ing them. We members are so blessed, so fortunate to have such