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Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I were privileged to attend the fifth session of the
Ministerial Refreshing Program. It was our first time, and was
truly inspiring.
We thank Mr. Armstrong and the entire staff for making it possi­
ble for local church elders to attend the program.
Being at
Headquarters made us realize more fully the kind of Work we are a
part of. We will try to pass that on to the brethren here.
We thank all of you for the time and the effort you put into this
program, and we thank God for allowing us to be a part of His
Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Newell, Sr.
Mr. Tkach:
Just a small note of appreciation to you and your staff fo= the
time and effort put into the refreshing program for the faculty
of both colleges.
Thanks for the meals, the special dinners, and the helpful lec­
tures and handouts. It shows a "give" attitude that all of us can
learn from. It was great to be taught by God's ministers and ser­
vants. Thanks ever so much for letting me be a part of it.
John Siston
Grateful for Speakers From Headquarters
Dear Mr. Tkach:
This is just a short note to thank you for all the help you have
given the Boise area in the past month. Thank you for sending Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Jackson here for Pentecost.
We thoroughly
enjoyed having them, and I really profited by having them spend
four days with us. It was just terrific.
Then on top of that Mr. Armstrong comes to the area two weeks
later! I want to thank you for whatever part you may have had in
bringing the needs of the smaller church areas to his attention.
Now, I would appreciate your prayers that we would produce more
effectively with all we have been given. For as Jesus said, "To
whom much is given, much is required." We really feel that we
have been given much.
Thank you and all the staff for all that has been done, is being
done, and will be done on our behalf.
Jeff McGowan
Mr. Tkach:
Just a note to thank you for sending Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice to
the Canton area for Pentecost. The members really enjoyed get­
ting to know them, and we all were encouraged and inspired by his