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From Hayangabon I hitched a ride on a jeepney delivering bread
and going to Claver.
At the start I was sitting inside the jeep on a piece of lumber.
But along the way the vehicle loaded 51 bundles of firewood.
After the last bundle was thrown in, it was obvious that there
was no more room for the free riders like myself. So we had to
content ourselves with sitting on the roof! For a while it was
fun. But when the going got rough and the jeepney would suddenly
tilt to the left and the right, we had to lie flat. I had to
anchor my two feet on one side of the roof, and my hands on the
other. Wow!
Such things we must enjoy--and endure--in God's
A third aspect of the local ministerial upgrading program is the training
of ministers from the provinces at the Manila head office under the direct
supervision of the Regional Director. These are ministers who have lived
in Manila and will return for about a year
s training. Here they will
receive exposure to various programs and activities in the Manila Churches.
The fourth aspect of the program is the establishment of Manila-trained
ministers in the provincial areas. This, along with the other points, is
designed to bring the entire ministry into greater unity and effectiveness
in preparing His people here for His Kingdom.
God has blessed His Work in the Philippines with a reassuring 25.33% in­
crease in income for the period January through May this year, as compared
with a similar period in 1981. This figure does not include the holy day
offering during Pentecost, which this year registered an excellent 42% in­
crease over last year. Pentecost attendance was 3,070--up 19.2% over last
On the mail side, the office has continued to receive an exciting number of
responses to the World Tomorrow television and radio broadcasts. A good
number of very interested young televiewers was noticeable. All in all we
have had a total of 1,487 responses to the broadcasts since January.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Simone and I want to thank you and all of the lecturers for the
fine job they did on the Ministerial Refreshing Program just com­
pleted. It was just what the name says--refreshing!
I was impressed with it from many perspectives. It was a presen­
tation of and about the Work of God by faithful, mature servants
in their respective parts of that great Work. It comes off as a
testimony to His greatness and glory, what He is doing through
Mr. Armstrong and His other end-time servants, not what we are
doing or can do as men. As such it stimulated my faith and made
me deeply pleased to be a part of God's Work.
Dave and Simone Albert