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Mr. Tkach:
We thank the Great Creator God for inspiring the understanding of
the overall Biblical principles taught in the Ministerial Re­
Program. Mr. Armstrong and the men he appointed to
teach us showed us how to serve our God in His WORK, in obedience
to His Law and His government.
The overall principles taught to us help us appreciate the depth
of understanding that God's apostle and the men serving him at
Headquarters really do have. Fabulous!
Even more important--perhaps--to me: This deep grasp of the Truth
of God lays a foundation upon which to build future sermons; ser­
mons that we can present with confidence, knowing we are on "THE
Lynn Torrance
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
growing numerically and spiritually. Members are truly inspired
by Mr. Armstrong's TV programs now seen in the area. All are im­
pressed with his speaking out with such power. Concord had what
seemed to be the most inspiring Pentecost ever. God's Spirit was
certainly evident in every aspect of it! There's a severe out­
break of the flu along with numerous allergic reactions to the
spray being used to fight the area-wide invasion of gypsy moth
caterpillars. It's l�ke living through one of the plagues God
poured out on Egyptl As Carl Sagan might say, " ••• there are bil­
lions and billions of them."
PADUCAH, KY--JOHN CAFOUREK: Church is enthusiastic and positive
concerning the Work. Mr. Armstrong's telecasts in the area are
really appreciated. The offering on the Day of Pentecost set a
new record.
CHICAGO (WEST & N.W.), IL--ROY HOLLADAY: Tremendous PM activity.
Many are new, but the TV program is having a big impact. Baptized
24 new people before the spring holy days. We had over 30 new
letters after the holy days. In the Chicago N.W. congregation,
people are having trouble coping with stress of jobs, families,
etc. Seems like Satan is putting a lot of pressure on families
and marriages.
PORTLAND (EAST), OR--JIM HAEFFELE: We are seeing a very notice­
able increase in PM's. In April, 30 attended our PT Lecture and
half a dozen are now attending Sabbath services. Since the lec­
ture, others have been inquiring and coming to Church as well.
Mr. Armstrong's telecasts, The PLAIN TRUTH and Correspondence
Course generated this interest in these people. They know this
is the true Church.
After going through a lull, the
newsstand program is once again beginning to grow. Now that we
have the TV broadcast in this area and people who have already
been taking the PT are making the connection between the two,