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they are requesting visits. Most of these new people came into
contact with us through the newsstand program.
MERIDEN, CT--LARRY WOOLDRIDGE: PT newsstand program continues to
roll along. Eight new outlets recently opened up in the small
town where I live. Christ's message is really going out in Con­
necticut. This has helped to stabilize and unify the Church.
LONG BEACH, CA--AL DENNIS: The people are really watching world
affairs, especially the Falkland Islands situation, as they watch
this age wind down. The recession has affected the income of
some of the people and some have had to change jobs. However, God
is taking care of His people.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
PLAIN TRUTH Comments From Around the World
Readers from around the world are finding The PLAIN TRUTH an informative
and thought-provoking magazine of real understanding. This week's comments
about The PLAIN TRUTH come from subscribers in many countries who have
written to express their enthusiasm for the magazine.
I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for the introductory
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. This magazine was God-sent--an answer
to a prayer. I found it so honest and informative that I couldn't
put it down until I had read it cover to cover. I would also like
to add that I am living proof of the article, "The Movement to
Destroy the Family," and am happy that other people can see what
is happening today. I have realized that God moves in mysterious
and wonderful ways.
B.S. (Brantford, Canada)
I am writing to say how much I have enjoyed reading The PLAIN
TRUTH •••! now understand more of the world's problems. I have
seen much suffering in Africa where I came from, but never
thought much about it until I started reading The PLAIN TRUTH.
R.S. (Derby, U.K.)
Just a short note to say how much I look forward to receiving The
PLAIN TRUTH magazine.
I find the religious articles very
thought-provoking and interesting, and the current affairs arti­
cles are certainly up to date. You seem to have an uncanny knack
of being able to look into the future.
D.W. (Dundas, Australia)
I'd quickly like to relate to you how enjoyable your magazine is,
which I've been subscribing to for about a year now, and on top of
that, free of charge. I really have the impression that the ar­
ticles are "true," while other publications are slanted or
colored in one direction or another •... Also, because your Edito­
rial Department has connections worldwide, your political contri­
butions have vision, which I miss in other publications.