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Another area of concern is the falling Canadian dollar. As of this writing
it had hit an all-time low--less than 80¢ against the U.S. dollar. Each
drop means we must pay out more Canadian dollars for the printing of The
PLAIN TRUTH or any services we receive from the United States. If it con­
tinues to drop, then printing The PLAIN TRUTH in Canada becomes more at­
Other aspects of the Work in Canada last month were extremely encouraging.
The number of people contacting the Work for the first time is up an astoun­
ding 527.4%, which translates into 17,322 requests for literature. Total
mail received for the month was 34,791--an increase of 137.9%.
Our latest addition in radio coverage is CJCJ Woodstock, New Brunswick
where the broadcast will be heard Monday through Friday from 7:00 to 7:30
We are also going on KVOS-TV Bellingham, Washington (U.S.A.) five
days per week at 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, on a trial basis. We are
anxious to see what impact the telecast will have in this area.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Margie and I have just returned from the second Ministerial Re­
freshing Program.
We wanted to convey to you our deep appre­
ciation for this rare privilege and outstanding opportunity. We
were impressed by the high quality of instruction as well as the
willingness of the instructors to answer our questions. We cer­
tainly can see in our personal lives the benefits of this in­
struction, and realize how this will also benefit the congrega­
tions we serve.
Knowing how busy your schedule must be, we were very appreciative
of the time you spent talking to us. The opportunity to attend
the graduation ceremony was also appreciated, as it has been
fourteen years since I graduated from Ambassador, and I haven't
had an opportunity to attend a graduation since. We were in­
spired by how moving and powerful your message was to the gradu­
ates and others attending. It
s obvious that God is supplying
you with the strength and power you need to fulfill your respon­
We returned inspired and sobered by what we'd learned and seen,
and hope we can be as yielded and useful to God at our level as
you are on yours. We have benefited so much from these two re­
freshing programs that we do hope God will lead you to continue
with successive programs in the future.
Lyle and Margie Welty
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We would like to express our appreciation for making it possible
for us to attend the second MRP. The pace was more relaxed and
the benefits equal to, if not better than, those of the first
session. Our thanks also to those who instructed us. Those who
are yet to attend have much to look forward to!
Carlos and Ruth Perkins