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but this brief respite is only an interlude between very active,
meaningful and fruitful roles in God's Work in scattered places
throughout the world.
This current group of ministers on Sabbatical here in Pasadena
will, in a few months' time, literally go to the "four corners of the
earth" to occupy significant positions in God's Work. I wonder if
we have thought much about that. It certainly is true!
Well, that does it for this time. God be with you.
Your Servant in Christ,
C. Wayne Cole
NEW AREA COORDINATOR NAMED Congratulations are in order for Mr. Dean
Blackwell who has been named as the Area coordinator to replace Mr.
Sherwin McMichael in the Big Sandy region. This assignment becomes
effective immediately, so all of you ministers in that area should
begin to look to Mr. Blackwell as your Coordinator.
Mr. and Mrs. McMichael will be moving to Pasadena following the Feast
of Tabernacles. The Festival Department is to be relocated in Pasadena
at the Church Headquarters and Mr. McMichael will continue to direct
it. He will not only be engaged in Feast activity, but will also be
a part of the Headquarters team of ministers offering counsel and
advice concerning varying aspects of Pastoral Administration.
Mr. Blackwell is, as most of you realize, one of our senior ministers
in the Church today. He was ordained in the mid 1950's and has served
in varying capacities as a Church Pastor, as a District Superintendent,
an instructor on the Big Sandy faculty and now as an Area Coordinator.
He is a dedicated and loyal minister of God's Church, fully acquainted
with its doctrines and has always been very energet�c in fulfilling
whatever responsibilities he has been given. He is also my very close
personal friend. I know he will be very effective with all you
ministers in his area in qiving you direction and encouragement in the
fulfillment of your ministries.
Again, our congratulations to both Mr. Blackwell on his appoint­
ment, and to Mr. McMichaer on his move to Pasadena to be a part of
the Headquarters team.
--c. Wayne Cole
FROM MINISTERIAL SERVICES As is usual at this time of the year, the
Accounting Dept. is making plans for their workload around the Festival
break. As a result, they have notified us that if they don't receive
invoices for payment by September 29, it is very doubtful if they
will be able to get them paid. If you have hall rentals, expense
reimbursements, etc. that need to be paid before the Feast, please
send them in so they will arrive here no later than September 29.