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take up the duties of directing the Work in the Netherlands, were
present. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bode, recently having moved to Germany
from South Africa, were also present. Mr. Bode is now the office and
business manager in the Bonn office. George Kovanis from Greece
was there as well. It was my first opportunity to meet Mr. Kovanis,
a graduate from Ambassador College who now lives in Athens, Greece.
Mr. Kovanis came to the conference so Mr. Brown and I could further
acquaint ourselves with the potential for any future work in Greece�
At the present time a small group of 8 or 10 members meets every
Sabbath in Athens and listens to tapes sent to them either from
Pasadena (Mr. Armstrong's tapes) or from Bricket Wood.
The conference we held on September 3 was an update session.
Mr. McNair and I were able to comment on the many questions that came
up both of an administrative and doctrinal nature. According to
comments heard later, the ministers and wives present appreciated
this opportunity to communicate face to face with a couple of people
from Headquarters.
We hope to do more of this type of work in meeting the leaders
and representatives of the Work around the world as time permits and
as we see the need.
This past week -- September 5th through 8th -- we had an Area
Coordinators' conference here in Pasadena. Whenever this group gets
together there is no end to the conversations and discussions that
take place. We could talk for weeks about subjects of common interest.
The main purpose of this conference was to discuss future manpower
considerations and then to discuss the state of the ministry and the
Church and share ideas about how to do our jobs more effectively in
the wake of all that has happened.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong spoke to the Area Coordinators plus a
small number of additional Headquarters personnel on Friday. He
emphasized the need for us all to work effectively in building the
faith of God's people, trusting God and Christ more in every trial and
One other event I want to mention is a buffet-cocktail hour and
dance held in honor of the ministers and wives in on Sabbatical this
year. This event was conducted in the Grove Terrace lounge and seemed
to be enjoyed by all present.
Our fellow ministers who spend a few months with us while here
on Sabbatical are deeply appreciated and welcome. Perhaps more can
be done throughout their stay to make them feel like part of the local
Every minister (unless there is an extraordinary exception) who
is here on Sabbatical is an experienced "veteran" and capable minister.
He has been actively on the job in the ministry for anywhere from
seven to fifteen or more years. A man doesn't come in on Sabbatical
until he has spent a good number of years "on the job."
These men should be shown the honor, the recognition and the
esteem they rightly have earned. They may be here in classes now,