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Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen
from the dead and become the first-fruits of them that slept."
When one loses consciousness in death, in the next fraction of
a second, in his consciousness, he is ALIVE, in God's Kingdom. I am
going to see my father, my wife, my son Dick healed -- and in the
next second of their consciousness.
Fellows, we are inclined to be a "NOW" people. The world lives
just for NOW. How often have I heard "Pentecostal people" shout to
God over one they want to have healed, "Right NOW! Lord, right
NOW!" Yet I never saw God jump to the crack of their whip!
Our lives are preparation for GOD'S KINGDOM! We should point
our brethren TOWARD GOD'S KINGDOM -- and TOWARD FAITH! The great
commission to which we are called is to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of
the soon-corning KINGDOM OF GOD. That glorious kingdom will appear in
less than a second from the time my father, my elder son, my wife-of­
rny-youth, Mrs. Hunting, and Mrs. Meredith lost consciousness -- so
far as they are concerned! God's PROMISE of healing has not gone�
is yet much more to come in the healing articles. Please bear with
* * * * * *
Greetings fellow ministers:
Things continue to move along at a rapid pace. On August 31 a
board meeting was conducted on the campus at Bricket Wood. For any
official board action it is necessary that three members of the board
from the United States be present in the meeting. (Les McCullough,
Raymond McNair and I were there for this meeting.}
The principle purpose was, of course, to pass a resolution for
the sale of the campus. I won't go into detail concerning the pending
sale as I feel it would be presumptuous on my part. It would be better
if Mr. Brown would write this up for you as events develop -- and it
does look like a sale will be finalized soon.
At this time let it suffice to say that it appears the campus
will be sold for a relatively good price. If this is God's will
and we believe it is -- then we trust He will give His continued
blessing to the pending transaction.
Mr. McCullough returned to Canada before the weekend following
the meeting and, I believe, met with some of the ministers in the
Toronto area.
Raymond McNair and I stayed over the weekend so we could speak
in church services -- Mr. McNair spoke to the London church and I
spoke to the Bricket Wood congregation.
On Sunday, September 3rd, we had a meeting with the ministry
attending from every area of Britain and some from the continent.
Mr. and Mrs. Bram Debree, recently moving from Montreal-Quebec to