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I have written of similar case histories. One of a small girl
whose thumb was torn off all but one piece of skin by which it was
hanging loose. I directed the parents to drive us inunediately to a
doctor, asking him to put the end of the thumb back in place, properly
binding and bandaging it up. The doctor wanted to amputate. I
insisted, saying "GOD WILL HEAL!" Reluctantly the doctor said, "Oh
well, I'll do as you say -- and when it does not heal we can amputate
later." But it did heal, because I prayed over the girl and anointed
her and called on God's PROMISE to heal -- and He did -- without a
I think one trouble with all this misunderstanding about healing
is the fact that so many have never experienced it -- and it seems
difficult to put one's trust in a God one can't see, and does not
really KNOW by personal experience. I KNOW God heals because I have
experienced it many, many times.
This minister writes further: "Perhaps we totally misunderstood
the articles you wrote on healing." Yes, perhaps, and perhaps I did
not write clearly enough -- though I have been told by many that I do
make what I say so plain and clear that even a child may understand.
If I am deficient in this I'm sorry -- but I do try.
I definitely remember discussing with my son -- prior to last
January's ministerial conference -- the fact that some doctrinal
matters had been discussed the preceding year at the ministers'
conference, and I said that if he intended bringing up any doctrinal
questions, then definitely I was going to remain personally for the
entire conference. He assured me no doctrinal questions would be
brought up. On that assurance, I left after opening the conference
on the opening morning. But of course the very fact I was there for
that opening session rendered credance to the false claim that I had
approved the "STP" -- when in fact I knew nothing of it. It was just
one more of several things done without authority, behind my back,
and keeping it from me.
I could get affirmed affidavits from several ministers who had
served in top or near-top capacities who were demoted, or shanghaied
away from Headquarters and forbidden to contact me in any way on
pain of being fired.
One last question brought up by this minister. He said "What
about the many of our dead we have buried -- Mrs. Lorna Armstrong,
your own son Dick, Dr. Rea, Mrs. Hunting, Mrs. Meredith? Does it
show that the ministry lacks faith?"
You will find that point fully covered in the corning articles
in The GOOD NEWS. God made to Abraham, and repromised to Isaac and
Jacob the PROMISES upon which your eternity and mine depend. Jesus
came to "confirm the PROMISES made to the fathers." Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob all died IN FAITH, not having received the PROMISES. Yet,
those promises remain ABSOLUTELY SECURE! I learned that lesson when
my father died in 1933. I had faith -- I anointed and prayed for
him -- he had faith -- I continued praying over him all night, yet
at 9:40 a.m. he died. He, like Abraham, like my wife Lorna, like my
son Dick and others died IN FAITH not having received the PROMISES
YET! God says through Paul, "If in this life only we have hope in