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But in the days of the Church, starting 31 A.D., the Church
received all its beliefs and teachings through the apostles. There
was no "doctrinal committee" and there no longer is today. In the
sens�of prophets through whom God communicates to the apostle, there
are none in God's Church today. So we have, apostle, evangelist,
pastor, and teachers who are elders --;both preaching and non-preaching.
Now back to the comment on clearing the air on healing.
I did not say our members must never use doctors. The medical
profession is (as later installments in The GOOD NEWS will make clear
-- as the official booklet and teaching of God's Church) the commonly
accepted (in the world} leading, if not the best means of coping with
sickness, diseases, etc., that human man, cut off from God, has pro­
duced. But, of course, completely outside the bounds of God's re­
vealed knowledge.
I do not say it is condemned by God. When God, as a result of
Adam's choice, cut humanity off from Him (except such as He has
specially called for a special purpose, including His Church) God
does not hold the medical profession guilty of sin -- because, since
GOD cut humanity off, the responsibility is God's. And He will see
to it --
the great white throne judgment -- post-millennial.
Meanwhile, God has said, in effect, to Adam applying to the world
that sprang from Adam, "Though, since you have REJECTED ME as your
God, your Ruler, your Revealer of Truth, and go and devise your
religions, your own governments, your own fund of knowledge and means
of its dissemination -- your own CIVILIZATION." But God retained the
prerogative of calling to His service such as He chose in preparation
for the coming KINGDOM OF GOD. He has called His Church to "come out
from among them, and be ye separate."
But God has not said to those of us He has called to come out of
the world and BE SEPARATE, that we should place� faith in, and rely
on, this world's devices. Especially when HE has said, "I am the
God that healeth thee" -- Yahveh-Rapha, our HEALING God." -
God does not condemn this world's medical profession -- neither
does HIS CHURCH. Nor do we command the members not to use such
services. Rather, we teach our members "A MORE EXCELLENT WAY" and
God does want us to learn to RELY ON HIM.
As you will read in the forthcoming article, for God's people,
healing is included -- one of the benefits God has made available to
His people, which He tells us not to forget (Ps. 103:2). It is there
stated as GOD'S WILL along with eternal salvation to immortal life.
If I can't believe the one I can't believe the other.
No, � have always taught that�� a need for doctors -- but
I have not taught that drugs and medicines heal --�ich emphatically
they cannot -- yet I have cited cases like delivery of babies,
including instruction on diet and other care etc., during pregnancy.
I have used the example of setting a broken arm or leg -- and GOD will
cause it to heal.