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descendants. For example, Jacob (Heb. heel-catcher or supplanter) had his
name changed to Israel (Heb. prevailer or overcomer with God).
Is it not possible that when God decided to choose a man to be the human
head of His end-time Work, under Jesus Christ, that He chose
who would
be a strong-armed warrior for God?
The Bible reveals that we are all
spiritual warriors (II Tim. 2:3,4; Eph. 6:10-17). It is also interesting
that Mr. Armstrong's first name, Herbert, means "bright warrior" or
"glorious warrior."
Of course, we know Mr. Armstrong has repeatedly said that our real strength
is not physical, but spiritual. Just recently Mr. Armstrong reminded the
ministers attending the MRP that we all need to keep in mind the true source
of our accomplishments in God's Work: "Not by [human] might, nor by[ human]
power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zech. 4:6). (Also see
Isaiah 40:1-10.)
It is very good to have another group of ministers and their wives here in
Pasadena attending the Ministerial Refreshing Program. Mr. Armstrong gave
them an lnspiring address on Monday. We ministers here at HQ always look
forward to seeing each new group of God's servants arrive for their session
of the MRP.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Young People Drawn to the Work's Literature and Broadcasts
One of the most interesting and encouraging trends in mail response is the
increasing number of children and teenagers writing about their interest in
the ways of God.
Many children of Church members are expressing their appreciation of YOUTH
82, the Y.E.S. lessons, our other literature and Mr. Armstrong's sermons
and programs. But we are also receiving many letters from children who have
not had any exposure to God's Church! They write about their interest in
world conditions, their future and the teachings of the Bible. It is evi­
dent that the attention of all these children is increasingly being
directed to spiritual matters.
The Work's literature will have an even greater impact on the young people
in the world as YOUTH 82 is offered to the public. Last weekend (May 8-9)
when Mr. Armstrong offered YOUTH 82 on the telecast, 3,915 callers
requested the magazine.
Below are some letters from young people illustrating the above trend:
Letters From Church Youth
This is the second time I am sending my tithe. After I tithe I
feel good. At first I had the worst attitude.
I didn't want to
give any of my very first earnings. But I didn't understand. I
still have so much that I have to learn now. But I hope I will in
time. Your YOUTH 82 magazine helps me understand an awful lot. I
hope your health keeps up so you can teach kids and parents the
right attitude. I get way off base•.••Mr. Armstrong, I love you!