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And I love everybody in the world except Satan and his demons.
But most of all, God is who I love.
L.S.--Age 11 (Superior, WI)
Thank you for the Youth Bible Lessons that you send to children
in the Church. I am very interested in them. I like reading them
and I like coloring them. My sister cannot wait until she gets
M.H.--Age 7 (Chester, United Kingdom)
Thank you very much for the Youth Bible Lessons. It is very ex­
citing to have my own mail. We are saving them for the Sabbath
day to make it very special. I 1ike you and watch you on TV.
Also, you talk on the radio. I remember to pray for you and hope
Jesus Christ will come back soon.
M.S.--Age 5 (Torbay, Newfoundland, Canada)
I'm a daily listener to your radio show, even though I'm only 12.
I heard your offer for the BOOK OF REVELATION UNVEILED AT LAST. I
don't know why, but I would just like to have it. I get up at
4:30 a.m. because in our area the show comes on at 5:00 a.m. I
get up then so I can take notes, too.
I want God's Kingdom to come very soon, because kids at school
are giving me trouble, and it just sounds neat. I'm trying to
pray, to change from worse to bad, and from bad to good. I
believe God and you all the way and I hope that God will keep you
His apostle.
David--Age 12 (Ohio)
The broadcasts you make are so interesting. When I want to sleep
in on the Sabbath morning, I hear the broadcast being turned on.
I get my Bible and rush downstairs to watch it. I find them very,
very enjoyable. I want to do research on the Bible sometime.
S.L.--Age 8 (Burnab, B.C., Canada)
Letters From Other Youth
I've really enjoyed reading your publications. They keep me in
tune with God and current events. Thank you for sending them to
I am a subscriber to The PLAIN TRUTH, the Correspondence Course,
and have many, many of your books. I've just recently sent away
for YOUTH 82 because I need something to read and your publica­
tions are the best I know. I am a cartoonist and can't wait until
I finish my senior year in high school so I can start on my
journey in life to which God has appointed me. I plan to write
publications like yours, draw Christian comics, and whatever else
God may lead me to do. Thanks again for your literature.
T.B.--Age 17 (Indianapolis, IN)
Thank you very much for all your booklets. I love to read them.
I am a 13-year-old girl and before I subscribed to your books and
magazines, I didn't know what the word "faith" meant. Now I know