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(Pasadena Campus)
This week (May 10-14) and the first day of next week are a time of "testing"
for the College. Graduation is now set for Wednesday, May 19th instead of
Friday the 21st, as previously planned. This earlier date was chosen so
that Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong could give the commencement address before
leaving on his trip to Britain and Greece.
Last Sunday, Imperial School had its annual field day and there was a good
This coming Sunday, May 16, we will have the Ambassador
College field day, which all of us are looking forward to very much.
God has really blessed the College during this present year. Mr. Richard
Ames, Director of Admissions, just informed me that during the entire
college year we have lost only six students out of the 200 who enrolled in
the freshmen class last August. We feel this is probably the lowest number
of students ever to drop out of A.C. (of a class anywhere near that size) in
the history of Ambassador. We may have to drop a few students due to per­
sonal ae;ademic inadeguacies, finaneial difficulties, etc. at the end of
this semester, but we will not know exactly how many until some time next
Last evening (Tuesday, the 11th) we held the senior banquet in the beauti­
ful lower lounge of the Ambassador Auditorium. Besides the senior class,
members of the Advisory Council of Elders and various College administra­
tors were present.
Even though Mr. Armstrong had· a very busy day, he
attended the senior banquet and really enjoyed being with the graduating
seniors on this gala occasion.
After a delicious dinner served by the juniors, the senior class of 1982
presented Mr. Armstrong with a beautifully-executed coat of arms of the
"Armstrong" clan. (The name "Armstrong" was first given to a loyal subject
of the King of Scotland for a valorous deed in the 1300's.) I thought the
following quote concerning the history of this ancient Scottish family
would be of interest to you ministers.
There is a traditional story that the progenitor of the Armstrong
clan was Fairbairn, an armourbearer of a king of Scotland who
went to the assistance of his master when the king had
killed under him in battle. Fairbairn, grasping the king by the
thigh, set him on his own horse.
For this service the king
granted Fairbairn lands on the Borders, and gave to him the name
Armstrong. The first family of the name on record in Scotland is
found in Liddesdale in 1376 (The Clans and Tartans of Scotland,
by Robert Bains).
On the Armstrong coat of arms appears "An arm embowed, proper" with the
motto: "Invictus Maneo" (I remain unvanquished). In the coat of arms which
the seniors presented to Mr. Armstrong, they substituted the words
"Recapture True Values" in the place of "Invictus Maneo."
It is interesting to note that there are many names in the Bible God had a
hand in choosing. He saw to it that various ones were given a name at birth
which would in some way tie in with their lives, or with the lives of their